Weekend Plans | A2

Weekend Plans A2

This is a free A2 pre-intermediate level English reading lesson about making plans for a weekend. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on making plans, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels.

Weekend Plans

Free reading lesson on making plans, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels.

Table of Contents

Weekend Plans

Tom is a young boy. He goes to school every day. It is Friday now. He is tired from the week. Tom thinks about his weekend. He wants to have fun.

On Saturday, Tom will play outside. The sun is bright and warm. He calls his friends to join him. They will meet in the park. They will play football. They will run and laugh a lot.

After playing, they will eat ice cream. Tom likes chocolate flavor the best. His friends like vanilla and strawberry. They talk about their favorite games. The day ends with happy hearts.

Sunday is a family day. Tom will visit his grandparents. They live near a beautiful lake. Grandpa will fish. Grandma will make lunch. Tom loves Grandma’s sandwiches. He helps her in the kitchen. They all sit and eat together.

The weekend is short but sweet. Tom goes to bed early. He is ready for a new school week. He dreams about the next weekend.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: A2.0

Vocabulary: A1.4

Verb Forms: A1.9

Sentences: A1.3


flavor    NOUN    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. (physics) the six kinds of quarks


vanilla    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers
    n. a flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol (or imitating vanilla beans)
    n. a distinctive fragrant flavor characteristic of vanilla beans





dream about (someone or something)


  • He dreams about the next weekend.

go to bed


  • Tom goes to bed early.

short but sweet


  • The weekend is short but sweet.


Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False

  1. Tom is a young boy who doesn’t like going to school.


  1. Tom feels happy because the next day is Saturday.


  1. Tom and his friends will only talk about their favorite foods at the ice cream shop.


  1. Tom dislikes chocolate ice cream.


  1. Tom spends Sundays with friends in the park.


  1. Tom’s grandparents have a house near a big lake.


  1. Tom is unhappy when the weekend is over.

Multiple Choice

1)     Why does Tom call his friends on Saturday?

A)    To do homework together

B)    To join him outdoors

C)    Because he is sick

D)    To watch a movie


2)     What does Tom think about when he is going to bed after the weekend?

A)    His school lessons

B)    The food he ate

C)    The games he played

D)    The next weekend


3)     Why is Tom tired on Friday?

A)    He studied too much

B)    He is sick

C)    He is bored

D)    From the week


4)     Where do Tom and his friends decide to play?

A)    In the schoolyard

B)    At home

C)    In the park

D)    At the shopping mall


5)     What does Tom do with his Grandma on Sunday?

A)    He helps her catch fish

B)    He makes sandwiches with her

C)    They go shopping

D)    They play football


6)     How do Tom and his friends feel after playing all day on Saturday?

A)    Very sad

B)    Tired but happy

C)    Angry with each other

D)    Bored


7)     What special event happens on Sunday for Tom?

A)    He has a football match

B)    It’s the start of the school week

C)    He visits his grandparents

D)    He goes to the cinema

Short Answer

  1. What does Tom feel about the coming weekend?


  1. What activity does Tom plan for Saturday?


  1. Who will Tom spend Sunday with?


  1. What is Tom’s favorite ice cream flavor?


  1. Why does Tom go to bed early at the end of the weekend?


  1. What does Tom do after playing football?


  1. What does Tom help his Grandma with?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Tom is a young boy. He goes to ___1___ every day. It is Friday now. He is ___2___ from the week. Tom thinks about his weekend. He wants to have fun.

On Saturday, Tom will play ___3___. The sun is bright and warm. He calls his friends to ___4___ him. They will meet in the park. They will play football. They will ___5___ and laugh a lot.

After playing, they will eat ice cream. Tom likes chocolate flavor the ___6___. His friends like vanilla and strawberry. They talk about their ___7___ games. The day ends with happy hearts.

Sunday is a family day. Tom will visit his grandparents. They live near a beautiful ___8___. Grandpa will fish. Grandma will make lunch. Tom loves Grandma’s sandwiches. He helps her in the kitchen. They all sit and ___9___ together.

The weekend is short but sweet. Tom goes to bed ___10___. He is ready for a new school week. He dreams about the next weekend.


1) A. home    B. school    C. park    D. lake   

2) A. happy    B. tired    C. active    D. sad   

3) A. inside    B. outside    C. upstairs    D. downstairs   

4) A. join    B. call    C. play    D. find   

5) A. walk    B. sit    C. jump    D. run   

6) A. best    B. least    C. more    D. worse   

7) A. favorite    B. bad    C. old    D. new   

8) A. lake    B. forest    C. school    D. house   

9) A. read    B. eat    C. play    D. dance   

10) A. early    B. late    C. angrily    D. noisily   

Exercise Answers

True / False Answers

  1. False

Explanation: Tom goes to school every day, so the text does not say that he doesn’t like it.

(“He goes to school every day.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Tom is thinking about his weekend and wanting to have fun, which means he is looking forward to Saturday.

(“Tom thinks about his weekend. He wants to have fun.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text mentions that Tom and his friends talk about their favorite games, not just foods.

(“They talk about their favorite games.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Tom likes chocolate flavor the best indicates he enjoys chocolate ice cream.

(“Tom likes chocolate flavor the best.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Sunday is described as a family day, and Tom visits his grandparents, not friends in the park.

(“Sunday is a family day. Tom will visit his grandparents.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Tom’s grandparents living near a beautiful lake indicates they have a house close to a big body of water.

(“They live near a beautiful lake.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Although the weekend is short, it is described as sweet, which means Tom enjoyed it and was not unhappy.

(“The weekend is short but sweet.”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. B

Explanation: Tom calls his friends to join him outdoors to meet in the park and play.

(“He calls his friends to join him. They will meet in the park.”)


  1. D

Explanation: Tom thinks about the next weekend as he dreams when going to bed.

(“He dreams about the next weekend.”)


  1. D

Explanation: Tom is tired from all the activities and school in the past week.

(“He is tired from the week.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Tom and his friends agree to meet and play in the park.

(“They will meet in the park.”)


  1. B

Explanation: Tom helps his Grandma in the kitchen, which likely includes making sandwiches.

(“Tom helps her in the kitchen.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The phrase ‘happy hearts’ suggests they feel tired but happy.

(“The day ends with happy hearts.”)


  1. C

Explanation: On Sunday, visiting his grandparents is a special event for Tom.

(“Tom will visit his grandparents.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. He wants to have fun.

Explanation: The text directly states that Tom is thinking about the weekend and he wants to have fun.

(“He wants to have fun.”)


  1. He will play football.

Explanation: The text mentions that Tom and his friends will meet in the park to play football.

(“They will play football.”)


  1. His grandparents.

Explanation: The text indicates that on Sunday, Tom plans to spend time with his grandparents.

(“Tom will visit his grandparents.”)


  1. Chocolate.

Explanation: The text clearly states Tom’s preference for chocolate flavor ice cream.

(“Tom likes chocolate flavor the best.”)


  1. He is ready for a new school week.

Explanation: The text tells us that Tom goes to bed early because he is preparing for the upcoming school week.

(“He goes to bed early… He is ready for a new school week.”)


  1. They will eat ice cream.

Explanation: Once they have finished playing football, the text says they will eat ice cream.

(“After playing, they will eat ice cream.”)


  1. He helps her in the kitchen.

Explanation: The text mentions that Tom assists his Grandma in the kitchen.

(“He helps her in the kitchen.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. B

Explanation: He goes to school, not home, park or lake.


  1. B

Explanation: He is tired from the week, not happy, active or sad.


  1. B

Explanation: Tom will play outside, not inside, upstairs or downstairs.


  1. A

Explanation: He calls friends to join him, not call, play or find them.


  1. D

Explanation: They will run and laugh, not walk, sit or jump.


  1. A

Explanation: Likes chocolate the best, not least, more or worse.


  1. A

Explanation: They talk about favorite games, not bad, old, or new.


  1. A

Explanation: They live near a lake, not forest, school or house.


  1. B

Explanation: They sit and eat, not read, play or dance.


  1. A

Explanation: Goes to bed early, not late, angrily or noisily.

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