Enterprise APIs

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Text Analyser (CEFR) API

An AI tool that can analyze the langauge difficulty of your content, to help you select the most suitable content for language learners.

Cathoven Text Analyzer - CEFR



The only tool on the market that analyzes sentence structure and verb tenses in detail by listing them out instead of just giving a CEFR-level score.

A1.7 instead


Instead of just scaling from A1-C2 , Cathoven splits 10 more segments for a single level(I.e., the CEFR checker may assign you A1.7 instead of A1). This helps the learners choose the appropriate learning content and enhance the reading and writing ability.

CEFR words


With the largest CEFR words database in the world, combining all the available data from world-renowned institutions, Cathoven’s database is maintained by high-end AI and constantly updated.

Question Generator API

An AI Question Generator Tool for English reading comprehension.

High-quality Questions

To improve student learning, we provide diversified sets of questions to develop students into proactive learners.

Latest Tech High-End AI

We train our AI specifically for language learning purposes, so the questions will be suitable for teaching, and helping teachers better monitor students reading comprehension.

Grammar Analysis

The only one tool on the market that analyzes the suitability of a text for the purpose of teaching particular grammar points using grammar point frequency and levels of difficulty difference between the text.
Purposeful multiple choice, true false, short answer quizzes tailored to your curriculum

Level Adaptor API

An AI tool that can analyze the language difficulty of your content, to help you select the most suitable content for language learners.

Tailor Your Materials

We have the unique capability to adjust the language level of your learning materials, making it easier or more challenging while keeping the content unchanged

We Can Do But ChatGPT Can't

As its nature ChatGPT lacks the knowledge of langauge learning levels that’s why when you ask it to change the level it will do roughly and most of the time wrong. However Cathoven’s Level Adaptor can accurately adjusting the language level of the content to the exact level you want. You can try and see yourself.
Cathoven Level Adaptor

Reading Generator API

What is Cathoven Reading Generator

Reading Generator API

An AI tool that can personalize reading materials aligned with targeted vocabulary, grammar, themes, genres, and proficiency levels. We address the challenge of context-lacking exercises. By generating contextual reading texts tailored to practice vocabulary and sentence structures, it offers a dynamic and personalized learning experience for students.

Writing Reviser API

Writing Reviser API

Cathoven Writing Reviser refines spelling and grammar, offering sentence-by-sentence suggestions. Unlike others, we don’t rewrite; we enhance your writing by aligning with your unique logic and providing “i+1” level suggestions for incremental improvements.

What is Cathoven Writing Reviser?

Video Analyser API

What is Cathoven Video Analyzer?

Video Analyser API

Cathoven Video Analyzer is a multifunctional tool that goes beyond transcribing video content. It converts videos into text while also providing in-depth analysis to determine their suitability for your students’ proficiency levels. With Cathoven Video Analyzer, you can expect:

When you register an account on our API management platform, you will get 50 catnips available for 7 days.
More than enough to try all our APIs.

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