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Catile is developed by combining methodologies from multiple published research papers about text complexity. We adopted a similar grading scale with Lexile and used it as our benchmark. So you can expect the Catile score of a passage to be very close to the corresponding Lexile level.

The CEFR levels in the result will have one decimal place indicating the learning stage within the level scale. For example, A2.7 means the level is A2 and is at the higher end of A2; C1.1 means the level is C1 and is at the lower end of C1.

Cathoven’s CEFR analyser is fully compatible with the CEFR standard, built upon internal and public scientific research.


Compared to any other analyser, Cathoven is much more comprehensive. Therefore, results may not be exactly the same.


As you are aware, other analysers base the final CEFR level solely on a limited vocabulary list.


What makes a text difficult is not only the individual vocabulary but also grammar points, sentence structures, phrases, and so on. Cathoven takes all of these factors into account. In terms of vocabulary, we have the most comprehensive database globally, and additionally, we can estimate the CEFR levels of words that don’t have any level assigned in dictionaries.
This is why researchers in top universities and large education companies prefer us. You can check some of the papers that used Cathoven here: Papers Quoted

If you want to use the results on commericial products, you need to attribute our website saying ‘Analysis by hub.cathoven.com’.

Yes! We will offer support for other languages soon.Stay tuned by following us on Facebook or LinkedIn!

Thank you for considering Cathoven to analyze your confidential text. We take the security and privacy of our users very seriously.

All the texts you input on our platform are secured and kept private. They are not accessible by any other user, company, or institution.

The text that you analyze will be sent to our server and stored temporally for processing. If you want the text to be deleted completely from our server, you can delete them manually in “My history”. If you don’t delete it manually, your text and the result are still protected. (For more information on how we protect your privacy, you can check out our privacy policy here https://www.cathoven.com/en/privacy-policy/)
Yes, we offer all our tools as APIs. Checkout our offerings here: https://www.cathoven.com/cathoven-ai-tools-apis/
We are happy to know that our analyzers helped with your research. You can use the following citations.
MLA Format:
Cathoven Language Hub. Cathoven, 2023. Web app, https://hub.cathoven.com.
APA format:
Cathoven (2023). [Web app]. Cathoven Language Hub, https://hub.cathoven.com