The Food Festival C1

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This is a free C1 advanced level English reading lesson about The Food Festival. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on foods and world cuisine, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

The Food Festival

Free reading lesson on foods and world cuisine, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Table of Contents

The Food Festival

Ben and Anna, two connoisseurs of fine dining, found themselves in a familiar quandary one shimmering afternoon. They stood at a crossroads of culinary delights, pondering whether Italian or Japanese cuisine would satisfy their complex palate that day. Anna had a penchant for the layered richness of lasagna, while Ben was partial to the subtle elegance of onigiri. They debated their options with earnest, Anna championing the creaminess of risotto, and Ben countering with the umami profile of miso soup. As their discussion intensified, they ambled through the bustling streets, each argument interspersed with playful jabs at the other’s preference.

Suddenly, the savory aroma of pizza wafted through the air, coaxing a pause in their exchange. Ben acknowledged that few things could rival the perfect harmony of cheese, sauce, and crust, just as Anna had to admit that even the thought of ramen, with its rich broth and springy noodles, was enough to make one’s mouth water. Yet, the mirth in their indecision was echoed in the atmosphere – neither was willing to concede, their friendship a testament to the joy found in such lighthearted debates. Just as they reached the peak of their conundrum, they stumbled upon an unexpected solution.

Before them lay the entrance to a food festival, a serendipitous tribute to gastronomy that promised the fusion of worlds they sought. With a spectrum of flags fluttering above and the melodic chatter of vendors and patrons alike, the festival appeared as a vibrant tapestry woven with the thread of international flavors. Here was an opportunity to indulge in both Italian and Japanese fare without the tyranny of choosing one over the other. The luminous realization sparked a glint in their eyes; they shared a knowing smile, stepping into the embrace of the festival.

Anna reveled in the layers of a sumptuous lasagna, its creamy béchamel sauce a velvety contrast to the robust tomato and meat. Meanwhile, Ben savored the simplistic charm of onigiri, the seaweed’s salinity complementing the rice’s subtle sweetness. They meandered past stalls adorned with ribbons of pasta and towers of sushi, each bite an exploration of flavor and culture. Ben rhapsodized over the intricacy of risotto as Anna extolled the virtues of miso soup, each dish a testament to the culinary craft they revered.

As the sun dipped lower, casting an amber hue across the festival, their adventure through the pantheon of tastes drew towards a close. They concluded their foray with the shared delight of pizza and ramen, the epitome of their dining escapade. In the intertwining of mozzarella and miso, pepperoni and pork belly, they found not just sustenance, but the essence of camaraderie.

With satiated appetites and enriched spirits, they sauntered out, reflecting on the day’s encounters. The food festival had not only quelled their hunger but also broadened their culinary horizon. It had been a symphony of dishes, each course a movement, and as night settled in, they parted with plans to return next year, eager for another gastronomic ballet.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: C1.8

Vocabulary: C2.5

Verb Forms: A2.9

Sentences: B2.3


broth    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces
    n. a thin soup of meat or fish or vegetable stock


culinary    ADJ    C2    x3

Definition (En):

  1. of or relating to or used in cooking


hue    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength
    v. take on color or become colored


mozzarella    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. mild white Italian cheese


risotto    NOUN    C2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese


sushi    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. rice (with raw fish) wrapped in seaweed





appear as (something)


  • With a spectrum of flags fluttering above and the melodic chatter of vendors and patrons alike, the festival appeared as a vibrant tapestry woven with the thread of international flavors.

at a crossroads


  • They stood at a crossroads of culinary delights, pondering whether Italian or Japanese cuisine would satisfy their complex palate that day.

broaden (one’s) horizons


  • The food festival had not only quelled their hunger but also broadened their culinary horizon.

béchamel sauce


  • Anna reveled in the layers of a sumptuous lasagna, its creamy béchamel sauce a velvety contrast to the robust tomato and meat.

counter with (something)


  • They debated their options with earnest, Anna championing the creaminess of risotto, and Ben countering with the umami profile of miso soup.

glint in (one’s) eye(s)


  • The luminous realization sparked a glint in their eyes; they shared a knowing smile, stepping into the embrace of the festival.

have a penchant for (something)


  • Anna had a penchant for the layered richness of lasagna, while Ben was partial to the subtle elegance of onigiri.

indulge in (something)


  • Here was an opportunity to indulge in both Italian and Japanese fare without the tyranny of choosing one over the other.

intersperse (something) with (something)


  • As their discussion intensified, they ambled through the bustling streets, each argument interspersed with playful jabs at the other’s preference.

make somebody’s mouth water


  • Ben acknowledged that few things could rival the perfect harmony of cheese, sauce, and crust, just as Anna had to admit that even the thought of ramen, with its rich broth and springy noodles, was enough to make one’s mouth water.

partial to (someone or something)


  • Anna had a penchant for the layered richness of lasagna, while Ben was partial to the subtle elegance of onigiri.

reflect on (someone or something)


  • With satiated appetites and enriched spirits, they sauntered out, reflecting on the day’s encounters.

revel in (something)


  • Anna reveled in the layers of a sumptuous lasagna, its creamy béchamel sauce a velvety contrast to the robust tomato and meat.

rhapsodize over (someone or something)


  • Ben rhapsodized over the intricacy of risotto as Anna extolled the virtues of miso soup, each dish a testament to the culinary craft they revered.

step into


  • The luminous realization sparked a glint in their eyes; they shared a knowing smile, stepping into the embrace of the festival.

stumble upon (someone or something)


  • Just as they reached the peak of their conundrum, they stumbled upon an unexpected solution.

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. Ben and Anna were familiar with being uncertain about their choice of cuisine.


  1. Anna prefers lasagna over risotto because of its complexity.


  1. Ben enjoys the complexity of miso soup flavors.


  1. The scent of the pizza made them stop arguing momentarily.


  1. Anna and Ben both gave up on their preferred cuisines when they smelled pizza.


  1. The food festival offered only Italian and Japanese dishes.


  1. Upon entering the festival, Ben and Anna chose to eat dishes from both Italian and Japanese cuisines.


  1. Anna and Ben debated over which cuisine was superior while tasting various dishes.


  1. The sun was setting as Anna and Ben finished their meal at the festival.


  1. Ben and Anna plan to re-visit the food festival because they felt their choices were limited.

Multiple Choice

1. Why did Ben and Anna choose to attend the food festival?

  A) To resolve their debate over Italian and Japanese cuisine

  B) Because they where hungry

  C) To partake exclusively in Italian dishes

  D) Because Anna wanted to try the lasagna there


2. What does the text suggest about Ben and Anna’s friendship?

  A. Their friendship was strained by their culinary debate

  B. They could only agree on attending food festivals

  C. Their friendship grew stronger at the food festival

  D. Their friendship was enhanced by their lighthearted debates


3. What role did the food festival play in Ben and Anna’s day?

  A. It was an accidental discovery that prolonged their indecision

  B. It provided a venue for them to continue their argument

  C. It was a serendipitous solution to their culinary quandary

  D. It caused a disagreement between them


4. What was the ultimate outcome of their experience at the food festival?

  A. They decided to eat at an Italian restaurant next year

  B. They planned to revisit the festival the following year

  C. They became resolute in their individual culinary preferences

  D. They left the festival still undecided about their favorite cuisine


5. What did the savory aroma of cheese, sauce, and crust that Ben acknowledged, represent?

  A. The decisiveness of their culinary choices

  B. An interference in their debate

  C. A brief pause in their ongoing culinary discussion

  D. The superiority of Italian pizza over Japanese cuisine


6. What does Anna’s enjoyment of lasagna at the festival indicate about her tastes?

  A. She prefers the simplicity of Japanese cuisine

  B. She enjoys the layered complexity of certain dishes

  C. She dislikes tomato sauces

  D. She is not fond of creamy textures


7. How did the presence of both Italian and Japanese dishes at the festival contribute to Ben and Anna’s experience?

  A. It allowed them to firmly decide on their favorite cuisine

  B. It led to a disagreement about which cuisine to try first

  C. It offered a mix of experiences that enriched their culinary adventure

  D. It limited their choices to only two kinds of cuisine


8. How did the festival atmosphere contribute to the solution of Ben and Anna’s quandary?

  A. The bustling streets heightened the tension in their debate

  B. The melodic chatter and international flavors provided a fitting backdrop

  C. The dimming sunlight caused them to end their food exploration prematurely

  D. The fluttering flags symbolized the challenge of making a decision


9. What was the effect of the sun setting on the festival for Ben and Anna?

  A. It marked the beginning of their culinary journey

  B. It prompted them to start debating about food

  C. It led them to order their first meal of the day

  D. It signaled the end of their day’s culinary explorations


10. What did Anna and Ben’s exchange about risotto and miso soup highlight?

  A. Their preference for soup over other dishes

  B. Their disdain for each other’s favored cuisine

  C. Their appreciation for the artistry within their chosen cuisines

D. Their realization that they disliked both risotto and miso soup


Short Answer

  1. Why did Anna and Ben choose to enter the food festival?


  1. What aspect of the lasagna did Anna enjoy at the food festival?


  1. How did Anna and Ben’s attitudes toward each other’s food preferences change throughout the day?


  1. What did the sun’s setting signify for Anna and Ben’s culinary adventure?


  1. What was the actual dilemma that Anna and Ben faced?


  1. How did the food festival benefit Anna and Ben beyond satisfying their hunger?


  1. What elements of the festival’s atmosphere are highlighted in the text?


  1. How did Ben and Anna’s shared experiences at the festival reflect the nature of their friendship?


  1. What did Anna and Ben plan to do after leaving the festival?


  1. What was the metaphor used to describe their continuous exploration of different dishes?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Ben and Anna, two connoisseurs of fine dining, found themselves in a familiar ___1___ one shimmering afternoon. They stood at a crossroads of culinary delights, pondering whether Italian or Japanese cuisine would satisfy their ___2___ palate that day. Anna had a penchant for the layered richness of ___3___, while Ben was partial to the subtle elegance of onigiri. They debated their options with earnest, Anna championing the ___4___ of risotto, and Ben countering with the umami profile of ___5___. As their discussion intensified, they ambled through the bustling streets, each argument interspersed with playful jabs at the other’s preference.

Suddenly, the savory aroma of ___6___ wafted through the air, coaxing a pause in their exchange. Ben acknowledged that few things could rival the perfect harmony of cheese, sauce, and crust, just as Anna had to admit that even the thought of ___7___, with its rich broth and springy noodles, was enough to make one’s mouth water. Yet, the ___8___ in their indecision was echoed in the atmosphere – neither was willing to concede, their friendship a testament to the joy found in such lighthearted debates. Just as they reached the peak of their conundrum, they stumbled upon an unexpected solution.

Before them lay the entrance to a food festival, a serendipitous tribute to gastronomy that promised the fusion of worlds they sought. With a spectrum of flags fluttering above and the melodic chatter of vendors and patrons alike, the festival appeared as a vibrant tapestry woven with the thread of international flavors. Here was an opportunity to indulge in both Italian and Japanese fare without the tyranny of ___9___ one over the other. The luminous realization sparked a glint in their eyes; they shared a knowing smile, stepping into the embrace of the festival.

Anna reveled in the layers of a sumptuous ___3___, its creamy béchamel sauce a velvety contrast to the robust tomato and meat. Meanwhile, Ben savored the simplistic charm of onigiri, the seaweed’s salinity complementing the rice’s subtle sweetness. They meandered past stalls adorned with ribbons of pasta and towers of sushi, each bite an exploration of flavor and culture. Ben rhapsodized over the intricacy of risotto as Anna extolled the virtues of ___5___, each dish a testament to the culinary craft they revered.

As the sun dipped lower, casting an amber hue across the festival, their adventure through the pantheon of tastes drew towards a close. They concluded their foray with the shared delight of ___6___ and ___7___, the epitome of their dining escapade. In the intertwining of mozzarella and miso, pepperoni and pork belly, they found not just sustenance, but the essence of camaraderie.

With satiated appetites and enriched spirits, they sauntered out, reflecting on the day’s encounters. The food festival had not only quelled their hunger but also broadened their culinary horizon. It had been a symphony of dishes, each course a movement, and as night settled in, they parted with  ___10___ to return next year, eager for another gastronomic ballet.

1) A. quandary    B. certainty    C. solution    D. relief   

2) A. diverse    B. simple    C. monotonous    D. uniform   

3) A. spaghetti    B. lasagna    C. focaccia    D. gelato   

4) A. spiciness    B. blandness    C. creaminess    D. sourness   

5) A. tartness    B. bitterness    C. sweetness    D. umami   

6) A. hamburger    B. pizza    C. sandwich    D. steak   

7) A. ramen    B. udon    C. soba    D. tempura   

8) A. boredom    B. mirth    C. frustration    D. anger   

9) A. combining    B. separating    C. choosing    D. mixing   

10) A. cheers    B. plans    C. contemplation    D. farewells   

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The term ‘familiar quandary’ implies that they have experienced similar uncertainty in choosing cuisines before.

(“They stood at a crossroads of culinary delights, pondering whether Italian or Japanese cuisine would satisfy their complex palate that day.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Anna’s penchant for the lasagna is described, but there is no comparison stating she prefers it due to complexity over risotto.

(“Anna had a penchant for the layered richness of lasagna, while…Anna championing the creaminess of risotto,”)


  1. True

Explanation: The mention of ‘umami profile’ suggests Ben enjoys the complex flavors of miso soup.

(“Ben countering with the umami profile of miso soup.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The scent of pizza caused a pause in their discussion, indicating they stopped arguing for a moment.

(“Suddenly, the savory aroma of pizza wafted through the air, coaxing a pause in their exchange.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Although they acknowledged the appeal of other dishes, it is stated that neither was willing to concede their preference.

(“neither was willing to concede”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text mentions a fusion of Italian and Japanese fare but does not specify that these were the only options available at the food festival.



  1. True

Explanation: The festival allowed them to enjoy dishes from both cuisines without having to choose just one.

(“Here was an opportunity to indulge in both Italian and Japanese fare without the tyranny of choosing one over the other.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text indicates they were exploring flavors and culture rather than debating the superiority of cuisines.

(“each bite an exploration of flavor and culture.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text describes the sun setting (dipping lower) as they conclude their tasting, indicating the end of their meal time at the festival.

(“As the sun dipped lower, casting an amber hue across the festival”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: There is nothing in the text that suggests their plans to return are because they felt limited in their choices; therefore, the information is not given.


Multiple Choice Answers

  1. A

Explanation: The text indicates they attended the food festival to avoid having to choose between Italian and Japanese cuisine, resolving their debate.

(“Here was an opportunity to indulge in both Italian and Japanese fare without the tyranny of choosing one over the other.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text suggests that their lighthearted debates about food are an enjoyable aspect of their friendship.

(“Their friendship a testament to the joy found in such lighthearted debates.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The food festival represented an unexpected solution to their dilemma of choosing between Italian and Japanese cuisine.

(“Before them lay the entrance to a food festival, a serendipitous tribute to gastronomy that promised the fusion of worlds they sought.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text indicates that their experience at the food festival led them to make plans for another visit the following year.

(“They parted with plans to return next year, eager for another gastronomic ballet.”)


  1. C

Explanation: According to the text, the aroma of pizza caused a temporary halt in their culinary discussion.

(“Suddenly, the savory aroma of pizza wafted through the air, coaxing a pause in their exchange.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text describes how Anna relished the lasagna with its layers, indicating her taste for complex layered dishes.

(“Anna reveled in the layers of a sumptuous lasagna, its creamy béchamel sauce a velvety contrast to the robust tomato and meat.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The availability of both cuisines added variety and depth to their culinary adventure.

(“They meandered past stalls adorned with ribbons of pasta and towers of sushi, each bite an exploration of flavor and culture.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The festival’s lively ambiance and diversity of international flavors offered an ideal environment for solving their culinary predicament.

(“With a spectrum of flags fluttering above and the melodic chatter of vendors and patrons alike, the festival appeared as a vibrant tapestry woven with the thread of international flavors.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The sinking sun marked the winding down of their journey through the festival and the various flavors they experienced.

(“As the sun dipped lower, casting an amber hue across the festival, their adventure through the pantheon of tastes drew towards a close.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Their discussion about risotto and miso soup illustrates a deep appreciation for the craft and artistry involved in the cuisines they admire.

(“Ben rhapsodized over the intricacy of risotto as Anna extolled the virtues of miso soup, each dish a testament to the culinary craft they revered.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. To indulge in both Italian and Japanese fare without having to choose one over the other.

Explanation: The text suggests that their unwillingness to choose one cuisine over the other led them to enter the festival that offered both.

(“Here was an opportunity to indulge in both Italian and Japanese fare without the tyranny of choosing one over the other.”)


  1. The layers and the creamy béchamel sauce.

Explanation: The text describes Anna’s enjoyment of the lasagna’s layers and its creamy béchamel sauce.

(“Anna reveled in the layers of a sumptuous lasagna, its creamy béchamel sauce a velvety contrast to the robust tomato and meat.”)


  1. They remained playful and lighthearted but came to appreciate each other’s preferences through shared dishes.

Explanation: Initially, they teased each other, but through the shared experience, they gained appreciation for each other’s culinary preferences.

(“Just as Anna had to admit that even the thought of ramen…was enough to make one’s mouth water. Ben rhapsodized over the intricacy of risotto as Anna extolled the virtues of miso soup, each dish a testament to the culinary craft they revered.”)


  1. The conclusion of their exploration of flavors and tastes at the food festival.

Explanation: The text indicates that the setting sun marked the end of their adventure at the festival.

(“As the sun dipped lower…their adventure through the pantheon of tastes drew towards a close.”)


  1. Deciding between eating Italian or Japanese cuisine.

Explanation: The text clearly states their dilemma was choosing between Italian or Japanese cuisine.

(“…pondering whether Italian or Japanese cuisine would satisfy their complex palate that day.”)


  1. It broadened their culinary horizon.

Explanation: The text explains that the food festival expanded their food experiences beyond just satisfying hunger.

(“The food festival had not only quelled their hunger but also broadened their culinary horizon.”)


  1. The fluttering flags, melodic chatter of vendors and patrons, and vibrant tapestry woven with international flavors.

Explanation: The text describes the festival’s vibrant and international atmosphere through these details.

(“With a spectrum of flags fluttering above and the melodic chatter of vendors and patrons alike, the festival appeared as a vibrant tapestry woven with the thread of international flavors.”)


  1. Through the joy found in lighthearted debates and camaraderie shared over food.

Explanation: The text showcases their friendship through their enjoyment of food and playful debates.

(“Neither was willing to concede, their friendship a testament to the joy found in such lighthearted debates. In the intertwining of mozzarella and miso, pepperoni and pork belly, they found not just sustenance, but the essence of camaraderie.”)


  1. Return next year for another gastronomic ballet.

Explanation: Their plans to revisit the festival indicate their overall positive experience.

(“They parted with plans to return next year, eager for another gastronomic ballet.”)


  1. A symphony of dishes, each course a movement.

Explanation: The text uses this metaphor to depict the variety and sequence of their culinary experience.

(“It had been a symphony of dishes, each course a movement.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. A

Explanation: Quandary means a state of perplexity or uncertainty, which fits the context.


  1. A

Explanation: Diverse or complex palate suggests a preference for varied flavors.


  1. B

Explanation: The text talks about the layered richness, which describes lasagna.


  1. C

Explanation: Creaminess is a characteristic of risotto.


  1. D

Explanation: Umami is a taste profile often associated with miso soup.


  1. B

Explanation: Pizza is described as having cheese, sauce, and crust.


  1. A

Explanation: Ramen fits the description with its rich broth and springy noodles.


  1. B

Explanation: Mirth means amusement, which is shown in their lighthearted debate.


  1. C

Explanation: Choosing reflects the decision they must make between the cuisines.


  1. B

Explanation: They parted with plans to return, reflecting looking forward to the future.

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