Staycation: Vacation at Home C1

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This is a free C1 advanced level English reading lesson about Staycation: Vacation at Home. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on vacation and staycation, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Staycation: Vacation at Home

Free reading lesson on vacation and staycation, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Table of Contents

Staycation: Vacation at Home

In recent years, the concept of a staycation has emerged as a novel alternative to the traditional holiday away from home. Conjuring up a vacation within the comforting embrace of one’s own residence or nearby surroundings, individuals are now exploring creative ways to unwind and rejuvenate without venturing too far. Tapping into local attractions can unearth hidden gems and provide day-trips full of discovery, avoiding the often tedious airport traipses. Visits to nearby museums, galleries, or historical sites can offer a taste of culture and education, without the burden of packing suitcases.

For the more active soul, a staycation presents the perfect opportunity for embracing local trails for hiking or cycling. Immersing oneself in the serenity of nature on these outings can offer a sense of escape, promoting physical and mental well-being. Local parks also afford a host of recreational activities, from improvised picnics to casual sports encounters with friends. Moreover, staycationers can cultivate the art of leisure right at home, with garden projects or the comfort of a good book in a cozy backyard hammock.

The culinary enthusiast can delight in the kitchen with newfound time to experiment with elaborate recipes or to embark on the savory journey of a ‘restaurant at home’ night. With no concern for restaurant reservations, one can host intimate dinner gatherings, or simply enjoy the pleasure of unhurried meals with loved ones. The home entertainer might even transform the living space into a personal cinema, theater or concert hall, showcasing a selection of films, plays, or music to enjoy with family.

For those who seek relaxation, a home spa day could be the perfect antidote to stress, equipped with aromatic oils, soothing music, and homemade beauty treatments. Crafting, from knitting to painting, allows for creative expression and the satisfaction of producing something tangible with ones’ own hands. As a boundary between home life and a holiday blurs, the crucial element is the intentionality behind every activity, infusing each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.

Ultimately, a staycation emphasizes the rejuvenation of the self and the nurturing of relationships with others within a comfortable and familiar environment. It is an invitation to slow down and savor the subtle beauty in everyday surroundings, an approach perhaps more important than ever in our fast-paced modern lives. Whether it’s through exploring local culture, embarking on outdoor adventures, indulging in culinary exploits, or simply enjoying the sanctity of one’s own space, staycations underscore the potential for joy and relaxation that lies right at our doorsteps.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: C1.0

Vocabulary: C1.2

Verb Forms: A1.9

Sentences: B2.6


antidote    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison


aromatic    ADJ    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

  1. (chemistry) of or relating to or containing one or more benzene rings
    s. having a strong pleasant odor


comforting    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. providing freedom from worry
    s. affording comfort or solace


crafting    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

v make by hand and with much skill


culinary    ADJ    C2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. of or relating to or used in cooking


embrace    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)
    n. the state of taking in or encircling
    n. a close affectionate and protective acceptance
    v. include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory


fast-paced    ADJ    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

s of communication that proceeds rapidly


homemade    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. made or produced in the home or by yourself


infuse    VERB    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. undergo the process of infusion
    v. introduce into the body through a vein, for therapeutic purposes


intentionality    NOUN    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

  1. expressive of intentions


newfound    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. newly discovered


novelty    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. originality by virtue of being new and surprising


recreational    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. of or relating to recreation


rejuvenate    VERB    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. cause (a stream or river) to erode, as by an uplift of the land
    v. develop youthful topographical features
    v. make younger or more youthful
    v. become young again


rejuvenation    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. the phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored
    n. the act of restoring to a more youthful condition


serenity    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

n a disposition free from stress or emotion
n the absence of mental stress or anxiety


tangible    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch
    a. (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value


traipse    NOUN    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

  1. walk or tramp about


unhurried    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste
    s. capable of accepting delay with equanimity





a host of


  • Local parks also afford a host of recreational activities, from improvised picnics to casual sports encounters with friends.

a sense of occasion


  • As a boundary between home life and a holiday blurs, the crucial element is the intentionality behind every activity, infusing each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.

allow for (something)


  • Crafting, from knitting to painting, allows for creative expression and the satisfaction of producing something tangible with ones’ own hands.

at (one’s) doorstep


  • Whether it’s through exploring local culture, embarking on outdoor adventures, indulging in culinary exploits, or simply enjoying the sanctity of one’s own space, staycations underscore the potential for joy and relaxation that lies right at our doorsteps.

conjure up


  • Conjuring up a vacation within the comforting embrace of one’s own residence or nearby surroundings, individuals are now exploring creative ways to unwind and rejuvenate without venturing too far.

delight in (someone or something)


  • The culinary enthusiast can delight in the kitchen with newfound time to experiment with elaborate recipes or to embark on the savory journey of a ‘restaurant at home’ night.

embark on (something)


  • The culinary enthusiast can delight in the kitchen with newfound time to experiment with elaborate recipes or to embark on the savory journey of a ‘restaurant at home’ night.
  • Whether it’s through exploring local culture, embarking on outdoor adventures, indulging in culinary exploits, or simply enjoying the sanctity of one’s own space, staycations underscore the potential for joy and relaxation that lies right at our doorsteps.

experiment with (something)


  • The culinary enthusiast can delight in the kitchen with newfound time to experiment with elaborate recipes or to embark on the savory journey of a ‘restaurant at home’ night.

hidden gem


  • Tapping into local attractions can unearth hidden gems and provide day-trips full of discovery, avoiding the often tedious airport traipses.

immerse (oneself, someone, or something) in (something)


  • Immersing oneself in the serenity of nature on these outings can offer a sense of escape, promoting physical and mental well-being.

indulge in (something)


  • Whether it’s through exploring local culture, embarking on outdoor adventures, indulging in culinary exploits, or simply enjoying the sanctity of one’s own space, staycations underscore the potential for joy and relaxation that lies right at our doorsteps.

infuse (someone or something) with (something)


  • As a boundary between home life and a holiday blurs, the crucial element is the intentionality behind every activity, infusing each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.

slow down


  • It is an invitation to slow down and savor the subtle beauty in everyday surroundings, an approach perhaps more important than ever in our fast-paced modern lives.

tap into (something)


  • Tapping into local attractions can unearth hidden gems and provide day-trips full of discovery, avoiding the often tedious airport traipses.

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. Local attractions can be as rewarding as distant destinations.


  1. People must travel long distances to truly disconnect and relax.


  1. Staycations require one to seek activities outside their immediate living space.


  1. Staycationers have the chance to take pleasure in arranging a home-based cinema experience.


  1. For a relaxing time at home, one needs to invest in professional spa equipment.


  1. One of the benefits of a staycation is cultivating interpersonal connections.


  1. Going on a local cultural excursion exclusively offers academic benefits.


  1. Local parks only offer opportunities for passive leisure activities.


  1. The growth of the staycation trend has been influenced by modern life’s accelerated pace.


  1. A staycation offers no alternative to those who typically enjoy an active vacation.


  1. The intention behind each staycation activity is inconsequential to the experience.


  1. Embarking on outdoor adventures is seen as a possible way to enjoy a staycation.

Multiple Choice

1)     What is a primary reason the text gives for considering a staycation over a traditional holiday?

a)     Tapping into local attractions offers more thrilling experiences than distant travel.

b)     There’s a legal restriction on international travel.

c)     Local activities can avoid the hassle of airport travel and still provide discovery.

d)     Staycations are less expensive than traditional holidays.


2)     Why does the text mention ‘picnics’ and ‘casual sports encounters’ in relation to staycations?

a)     To highlight the requirement for outdoor activities during staycations.

b)     To suggest that outdoor activities are only fulfilling during staycations.

c)     To denote the limited options available during staycations.

d)     To illustrate the variety of recreational activities available in local parks during a staycation.


3)     According to the text, what benefit can local museums, galleries, and historical sites offer during a staycation?

a)     They facilitate international travel without leaving the city.

b)     They are typically less crowded than usual during staycations.

c)     They can provide enriching cultural and educational experiences.

d)     They are the only places to visit when on a staycation.


4)     What is the text suggesting when it refers to the ‘art of leisure right at home’?

a)     Crafting is the most significant form of leisure available at home.

b)     One should redesign the entire living space during a staycation.

c)     Relaxation and leisure can be pursued through activities like gardening or reading at home.

d)     Professional home decoration is required for a successful staycation.


5)     How does the text describe the advantage of cooking at home during a staycation?

a)     Cooking at home is a faster option than dining out.

b)     Home cooking allows for creativity and the pleasure of sharing meals without the rush and need for reservations.

c)     It’s impossible to get restaurant-quality food during a staycation.

d)     Restaurants are less enjoyable than home-cooked meals.


6)     In what way does the text suggest a staycation promotes well-being?

a)     By offering a distraction from work-related stress with intensive activities.

b)     Through the engagement in outdoor activities such as hiking or cycling that promote physical and mental health.

c)     Solely through the change in environment, staycationers feel better.

d)     By enforcing a strict regimen of exercise and diet.


7)     What intention behind staycation activities does the text emphasize as important?

a)     The intention to save money by avoiding expensive outings.

b)     The intention of experiencing activities as if they were novel and special.

c)     The intention to eventually transition back to traditional holidays.

d)     The intention of competing with friends to have the best staycation.


8)     Why might someone choose to create a ‘restaurant at home’ night during a staycation according to the text?

a)     Because making reservations at real restaurants is too complicated.

b)     To mimic the experience of dining out and enjoy the creativity and personal touch of home cooking.

c)     To save money by not wasting it in expensive restaurants and eating cheaply at home.

d)     Because it is a widely accepted cultural practice during staycations.


9)     How does crafting contribute to the staycation experience as illustrated by the text?

a)     Crafting is essential to keep the brain active and prevent boredom at home.

b)     It promotes social interaction by requiring people to craft in groups.

c)     Crafting encourages self-expression and the satisfaction of creating something by hand.

d)     It’s a way to avoid spending money on other staycation activities.


10)  What aspect of ‘slowing down’ is particularly valued in the text’s portrayal of a staycation?

a)     It is a way to reduce expenses by doing less.

b)     Slowing down is practically the only benefit of a staycation.

c)     By slowing down, one can appreciate the beauty in everyday surroundings and emphasize self and relational care.

d)     There is an assumption that people with fast-paced lives cannot enjoy the benefits of travel.

Short Answer

  1. Why might someone choose a staycation over a traditional holiday?


  1. What can visits to local museums and historical sites offer during a staycation?


  1. What type of activities can be enjoyed in local parks during a staycation?


  1. How can culinary enthusiasts make the most of their staycation?


  1. What kind of experience does transforming the living space into a cinema or theater offer?


  1. What is the role of intentionality in a staycation experience?


  1. What avenues of exploration do staycations provide, according to the text?


  1. How does a staycation promote physical and mental well-being?


  1. What aspect of a staycation does the concept of a home spa day address?


  1. What is the significant benefit of a staycation as mentioned at the end of the text?

Multiple Choice Cloze

In recent years, the concept of a staycation has emerged as a novel alternative to the traditional holiday away from home. Conjuring up a vacation within the ___1___ embrace of one’s own residence or nearby surroundings, individuals are now exploring creative ways to unwind and rejuvenate without venturing too far. Tapping into local attractions can unearth hidden gems and provide day-trips full of discovery, avoiding the often ___2___ airport traipses. Visits to nearby museums, galleries, or historical sites can offer a taste of culture and education, without the burden of packing suitcases.

For the more active soul, a staycation presents the perfect opportunity for embracing local trails for hiking or cycling. Immersing oneself in the ___3___ of nature on these outings can offer a sense of escape, promoting physical and mental well-being. Local parks also afford a host of recreational activities, from improvised picnics to casual sports encounters with friends. Moreover, staycationers can ___4___ the art of leisure right at home, with garden projects or the comfort of a good book in a cozy backyard hammock.

The culinary enthusiast can delight in the kitchen with newfound time to experiment with elaborate recipes or to embark on the savory journey of a ‘restaurant at home’ night. With no concern for restaurant reservations, one can host intimate dinner gatherings, or simply enjoy the pleasure of unhurried meals with loved ones. The home entertainer might even transform the living space into a personal cinema, theater or concert hall, showcasing a selection of films, plays, or music to ___5___ with family.

For those who seek relaxation, a home spa day could be the perfect ___6___ to stress, equipped with aromatic oils, soothing music, and homemade beauty treatments. Crafting, from knitting to painting, allows for creative expression and the satisfaction of producing something tangible with ones’ own hands. As a boundary between home life and a holiday ___7___, the crucial element is the intentionality behind every activity, infusing each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.

Ultimately, a staycation emphasizes the rejuvenation of the self and the nurturing of relationships with others within a comfortable and ___8___ environment. It is an invitation to slow down and savor the subtle beauty in everyday surroundings, an approach perhaps more important than ever in our fast-paced modern lives. Whether it’s through exploring local culture, embarking on outdoor adventures, indulging in culinary exploits, or simply enjoying the sanctity of one’s own space, staycations underscore the potential for joy and relaxation that lies right at our ___9___.


1) A. comforting    B. restricting    C. disturbing    D. enclosing   

2) A. exciting    B. tedious    C. enjoyable    D. bumpy   

3) A. serenity    B. chaos    C. noise    D. pollution   

4) A. abandon    B. cultivate    C. neglect    D. destroy   

5) A. preserve    B. invoke    C. enjoy    D. alter   

6) A. antidote    B. accelerator    C. obstacle    D. complement   

7) A. blur    B. sharpens    C. interrupts    D. crosses   

8) A. familiar    B. wild    C. foreign    D. abstract   

9) A. doorsteps    B. thresholds    C. borders    D. horizons   

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The text suggests that local attractions offer valuable experiences with the phrase ‘provide day-trips full of discovery,’ implying they can be as rewarding as places farther away.

(“Tapping into local attractions can unearth hidden gems and provide day-trips full of discovery”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text contradicts the statement by mentioning that individuals find ways to relax without going far.

(“individuals are now exploring creative ways to unwind and rejuvenate without venturing too far.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text refutes the statement by mentioning activities that can be done at home, like leisure activities in the garden or reading in a hammock.

(“staycationers can cultivate the art of leisure right at home”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text confirms that individuals can set up a home-based cinema experience during a staycation.

(“The home entertainer might even transform the living space into a personal cinema”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text suggests using simple items like aromatic oils and homemade treatments rather than professional spa equipment.

(“a home spa day could be the perfect antidote to stress, equipped with aromatic oils, soothing music, and homemade beauty treatments.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text mentions nurturing relationships with others as a benefit of a staycation, thus supporting the statement.

(“the nurturing of relationships with others”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text mentions cultural excursions as offering ‘a taste of culture and education,’ but it does not limit the benefits to being solely academic.



  1. False

Explanation: The text states that parks provide a variety of activities including casual sports, which are active, not just passive leisure activities.

(“Local parks also afford a host of recreational activities, from improvised picnics to casual sports encounters with friends.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text implies that the importance of the staycation approach is correlated with the fast pace of modern life.

(“an approach perhaps more important than ever in our fast-paced modern lives.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text directly contradicts this statement by presenting active options like hiking or cycling for those on a staycation.

(“For the more active soul, a staycation presents the perfect opportunity for embracing local trails for hiking or cycling.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text emphasizes that the intention behind activities is crucial to the staycation experience.

(“the crucial element is the intentionality behind every activity, infusing each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text lists outdoor adventures as one of the activities that can be enjoyed during a staycation.

(“Whether it’s through exploring local culture, embarking on outdoor adventures, indulging in culinary exploits”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. C

Explanation: The text suggests that by focusing on local attractions, individuals can avoid the tedious aspects of airport travel and still enjoy discovery and culture, making it a reason for considering a staycation.

(“Tapping into local attractions can unearth hidden gems and provide day-trips full of discovery, avoiding the often tedious airport traipses.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text lists picnics and casual sports as examples of the variety of recreation options in local parks, emphasizing the opportunities for enjoyment during a staycation.

(“Local parks also afford a host of recreational activities, from improvised picnics to casual sports encounters with friends.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text identifies local cultural institutions like museums and galleries as sources of cultural and educational experiences that can be enjoyed without the burden of travel, indicating one of the benefits of a staycation.

(“Visits to nearby museums, galleries, or historical sites can offer a taste of culture and education, without the burden of packing suitcases.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The phrase ‘art of leisure right at home’ implies that relaxation and leisure can be found in simple activities like gardening and reading in the comfort of one’s home.

(“Moreover, staycationers can cultivate the art of leisure right at home, with garden projects or the comfort of a good book in a cozy backyard hammock.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text highlights the enjoyment that comes from cooking at home, as it allows for creativity, intimate gatherings, and the joy of eating unhurried meals without worrying about restaurant reservations during a staycation.

(“The culinary enthusiast can delight in the kitchen with newfound time to experiment with elaborate recipes or to embark on the savory journey of a ‘restaurant at home’ night.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text explains that participating in activities such as hiking or cycling, usually performed in natural settings during a staycation, can promote well-being through a sense of escape and immersion in nature.

(“Immersing oneself in the serenity of nature on these outings can offer a sense of escape, promoting physical and mental well-being.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text underscores the importance of approaching staycation activities with intentionality, treating each experience as special and novel, rather than as a mere routine or alternative to traditional holidays.

(“The crucial element is the intentionality behind every activity, infusing each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text suggests that having a ‘restaurant at home’ night is enjoyable because it allows individuals to recreate the dining out experience with a personal touch and creative flair, without the concern for making reservations.

(“With no concern for restaurant reservations, one can host intimate dinner gatherings, or simply enjoy the pleasure of unhurried meals with loved ones.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text highlights that crafting during a staycation provides an outlet for creative expression and the joy of making something tangible with one’s hands, contributing positively to the staycation experience.

(“Crafting, from knitting to painting, allows for creative expression and the satisfaction of producing something tangible with ones’ own hands.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text emphasizes that the value of slowing down during a staycation allows individuals to savor the subtle beauty of their surroundings and focus on self-care and nurturing relationships, which is important in a fast-paced world.

(“It is an invitation to slow down and savor the subtle beauty in everyday surroundings, an approach perhaps more important than ever in our fast-paced modern lives.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. To unwind and rejuvenate without venturing too far.

Explanation: The text suggests that the convenience of not having to travel far is a motivating factor for choosing a staycation.

(“Individuals are now exploring creative ways to unwind and rejuvenate without venturing too far.”)


  1. A taste of culture and education.

Explanation: Museums and historical sites provide cultural and educational experiences that can be enjoyed locally.

(“Visits to nearby museums, galleries, or historical sites can offer a taste of culture and education.”)


  1. Recreational activities, from improvised picnics to casual sports encounters with friends.

Explanation: The text lists examples of activities that can be done in parks such as picnics and casual sports with friends.

(“Local parks also afford a host of recreational activities, from improvised picnics to casual sports encounters with friends.”)


  1. By experimenting with elaborate recipes or hosting a ‘restaurant at home’ night.

Explanation: The text emphasizes the opportunity for those interested in cooking to try new recipes or simulate a restaurant experience at home.

(“The culinary enthusiast can delight in the kitchen with newfound time to experiment with elaborate recipes or to embark on the savory journey of a ‘restaurant at home’ night.”)


  1. A personal entertainment space to enjoy films, plays, or music with family.

Explanation: Creating a personal cinema or theater at home provides a tailored entertainment experience.

(“The home entertainer might even transform the living space into a personal cinema, theater or concert hall, showcasing a selection of films, plays, or music to enjoy with family.”)


  1. It infuses each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.

Explanation: The text indicates that being intentional about one’s activities during a staycation makes each moment special and new.

(“The crucial element is the intentionality behind every activity, infusing each moment with a sense of occasion and novelty.”)


  1. Local culture, outdoor adventures, culinary exploits, and the sanctity of one’s own space.

Explanation: These are the forms of engagement and enjoyment mentioned as aspects of staycations.

(“Whether it’s through exploring local culture, embarking on outdoor adventures, indulging in culinary exploits, or simply enjoying the sanctity of one’s own space.”)


  1. By immersing oneself in the serenity of nature on outings such as hiking or cycling.

Explanation: Nature outings like hiking or cycling are said to offer escapes that benefit physical and mental health.

(“Immersing oneself in the serenity of nature on these outings can offer a sense of escape, promoting physical and mental well-being.”)


  1. Relaxation and the antidote to stress.

Explanation: A home spa day is highlighted as an activity aimed at relaxation and stress relief in the context of a staycation.

(“For those who seek relaxation, a home spa day could be the perfect antidote to stress.”)


  1. The rejuvenation of the self and nurturing of relationships within a familiar environment.

Explanation: The text concludes that self-rejuvenation and relationship nurturing are key advantages of a staycation.

(“Ultimately, a staycation emphasizes the rejuvenation of the self and the nurturing of relationships with others within a comfortable and familiar environment.”)


Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Comforting’ relates to providing comfort, which fits with the idea of a staycation.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Tedious’ means too long, slow, or dull, and it fits with the context of avoiding airport hassles.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Serenity’ presents the idea of calmness that aligns with nature.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Cultivate’ means to acquire or develop, fitting the context of leisure activities.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Enjoy’ is what one does with entertainment such as films or plays.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Antidote’ means a remedy, which fits in the context of countering stress.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Blur’ means to make less distinct, fitting the context of boundaries becoming unclear.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Familiar’ corresponds to something well known and suits the description of the environment.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Doorsteps’ is an idiomatic expression fitting the context of being very close to joy and relaxation.

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