The Food Festival B2

This is a free B2 upper-intermediate level English reading lesson about The Food Festival. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on foods and world cuisine, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

The Food Festival

Free reading lesson on foods and world cuisine, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Table of Contents

The Food Festival

Ben and Anna stood outside, the bright sign of the Italian restaurant glowing before them. Ben’s eyes were fixed on the menu displayed in the window, specifically on the lasagna that promised layers of creamy cheese and succulent meat sauce. ‘I could really go for some lasagna right now,’ he murmured, the image of the savory dish clouding his thoughts. Anna, on the other hand, was not so sure. ‘I was thinking something lighter, maybe a nice risotto or even pizza,’ she suggested, picturing a dish filled with bursting flavors of saffron and earthy mushrooms.

As they debated between the rich tapestry of Italian cuisine and the simplicity and precision of Japanese dishes such as onigiri or a warm, comforting bowl of miso soup, the aroma from neighboring restaurants filled the air, making their decision even more challenging. ‘We could also consider Japanese,’ Anna said, her voice laced with indecision. ‘I’ve been craving ramen ever since that chilly evening last week.’ Ben nodded, his thoughts now shifting to the steam rising from a hot bowl of ramen, the perfect antidote to the cold weather they had been experiencing.

Amidst their back-and-forth, they noticed a colorful flyer on the ground, carried by the wind. It announced a local food festival happening that very evening, promising an array of dishes from all over the world. Their eyes lit up at the opportunity to not just settle for one type of cuisine but to indulge in a plethora of flavors. With a shared look of excitement, they decided that the food festival would be the perfect spot to end their culinary indecisiveness. ‘We can have it all!’ exclaimed Ben, his enthusiasm infectious.

The food festival was bustling with people, stalls lined up showcasing not just Italian and Japanese foods, but also Thai, Mexican, Indian, and many others. Ben made a beeline for the first Italian stall he saw, ordering a slice of pizza while Anna opted for a small plate of risotto from another. They met again, sharing their dishes before moving on to their next craving. The Japanese stall was not far off, and soon they were enjoying onigiri and sipping on miso soup, their taste buds dancing with joy.

As the night wore on and the crowd thinned, Ben and Anna sat on a nearby bench, their appetites satisfied, their earlier debate now just a fun memory. They had traveled the world on a culinary adventure without leaving their city, all thanks to the unexpected discovery of the food festival. With happy hearts and full stomachs, they promised to return next year, eager for whatever gastronomic delights would greet them then.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: B2.8

Vocabulary: C1.4

Verb Forms: B1.1

Sentences: B2.2


antidote    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison


beeline    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. the most direct route


bud    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a partially opened flower
    n. a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
    v. develop buds
    v. start to grow or develop


culinary    ADJ    C2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. of or relating to or used in cooking


gastronomic    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. of or relating to gastronomy


lace    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment)
    n. a delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns
    v. do lacework
    v. draw through eyes or holes


lasagna    NOUN    +∞    x2

Definition (En):

  1. baked dish of layers of lasagna pasta with sauce and cheese and meat or vegetables
    n. very wide flat strips of pasta


miso    NOUN    +∞    x2

Definition (En):

  1. a thick paste made from fermented soybeans and barley or rice malt; used in Japanese cooking to make soups or sauces


plethora    NOUN    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

n extreme excess


risotto    NOUN    C2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. rice cooked with broth and sprinkled with grated cheese


saffron    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. Old World crocus having purple or white flowers with aromatic pungent orange stigmas used in flavoring food
    n. dried pungent stigmas of the Old World saffron crocus


savory    ADJ    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. any of several aromatic herbs or subshrubs of the genus Satureja having spikes of flowers attractive to bees
    n. dwarf aromatic shrub of Mediterranean regions
    n. either of two aromatic herbs of the mint family





(one’s) eyes light up


  • Their eyes lit up at the opportunity to not just settle for one type of cuisine but to indulge in a plethora of flavors.

all over the world


  • It announced a local food festival happening that very evening, promising an array of dishes from all over the world.

ever since


  • ‘I’ve been craving ramen ever since that chilly evening last week.’

indulge in (something)


  • Their eyes lit up at the opportunity to not just settle for one type of cuisine but to indulge in a plethora of flavors.

lace (something) with (something)


  • ‘We could also consider Japanese,’ Anna said, her voice laced with indecision.

line up


  • The food festival was bustling with people, stalls lined up showcasing not just Italian and Japanese foods, but also Thai, Mexican, Indian, and many others.

make a beeline for (someone or something)


  • Ben made a beeline for the first Italian stall he saw, ordering a slice of pizza while Anna opted for a small plate of risotto from another.

not far off


  • The Japanese stall was not far off, and soon they were enjoying onigiri and sipping on miso soup, their taste buds dancing with joy.

on the other hand


  • Anna, on the other hand, was not so sure.

opt for (something)


  • Ben made a beeline for the first Italian stall he saw, ordering a slice of pizza while Anna opted for a small plate of risotto from another.

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. Ben was tempted to eat lasagna due to its creamy and meaty layers.


  1. Anna preferred to have a heavier meal over a lighter one like risotto or pizza.


  1. They immediately agreed to visit the food festival upon finding the flyer.


  1. At the food festival, Ben and Anna exclusively ate Italian and Japanese food.


  1. The chilly evening last week made Anna want to try ramen.


  1. Ben was against trying Japanese cuisine.


  1. The choice between different types of food was made easier by the scents from nearby restaurants.


  1. Ben and Anna shared their food with each other at the food festival.


  1. The flyer they found on the ground advertised an art festival happening that night.


  1. At the beginning of the evening, Ben and Anna were uncertain about what to eat for dinner.


  1. The anticipation for the food festival made Ben and Anna immediately forget their previous debate on what to eat.


  1. After attending the food festival, Ben and Anna planned to explore culinary options in a different city next year.

Multiple Choice

1) Why did Ben and Anna choose to go to the food festival?

  A) To end their culinary indecisiveness

  B) Because the Italian restaurant was closed

  C) They were only interested in Japanese cuisine

  D) Anna wanted lasagna


2) What initially caught Ben’s attention at the Italian restaurant?

  A) Bright sign of the restaurant

  B) Menu displaying lasagna

  C) Anna’s suggestion for risotto

  D) Onigiri


3) What caused Ben to consider Japanese cuisine after thinking about Italian dishes?

  A) He saw onigiri on the menu

  B) He was always interested in Japanese food

  C) Anna’s craving for ramen

  D) The aroma from neighboring restaurants


4) What was the primary factor in their decision to attend the local food festival?

  A) They wanted to save money

  B) The opportunity to indulge in a variety of flavors

  C) They had free tickets

  D) The restaurant they stood in front of was too busy


5) What did Ben and Anna do after trying the Italian and Japanese food stalls at the festival?

  A) They left the festival

  B) They continued to explore other food stalls

  C) They had a second round of Italian food

  D) They sat down to discuss their favorite dishes


6) What did the aroma from neighboring restaurants do to Ben and Anna’s decision-making process?

  A) It helped them choose the Italian restaurant

  B) Made their decision more challenging

  C) Encouraged them to dine at the Japanese restaurant

  D) It had no impact on their decision


7) What was Anna’s initial food preference at the Italian restaurant?

  A) Lasagna

  B) Risotto or pizza

  C) Onigiri

  D) Miso soup


8) Which food did Ben and Anna first share at the food festival?

  A) Ramen

  B) Onigiri

  C) Pizza and risotto

  D) Miso soup


9) How did Ben and Anna feel after their experience at the food festival?

  A) Disappointed with the food variety

  B) Excited about returning next year

  C) Concerned about spending too much money

  D) Unsatisfied due to long waiting times at stalls


10) What effect did the cold weather have on Anna’s cravings?

  A) She wanted a cold dish

  B) She lost her appetite

  C) She craved warm ramen

D) She wanted to eat at home

Short Answer

  1. What was the main reason Ben and Anna changed their dinner plans?


  1. Why did Ben and Anna consider Japanese cuisine a suitable choice?


  1. What led to Ben and Anna’s indecision about where to eat initially?


  1. How did Ben and Anna resolve their culinary indecisiveness at the festival?


  1. What was the initial dish Ben desired from the Italian restaurant?


  1. Which dish did Anna envision that influenced her dinner preference?


  1. What is the textual evidence that shows Italian cuisine was initially preferred?


  1. How does the text illustrate Anna’s earlier uncertainty about choosing a restaurant?


  1. What effect did the food festival have on Ben’s and Anna’s evening plans?


  1. What was the outcome of their visit to the food festival?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Ben and Anna stood outside, the bright sign of the Italian restaurant glowing before them. Ben’s eyes were ___1___ on the menu displayed in the window, specifically on the lasagna that promised layers of creamy cheese and ___2___ meat sauce. ‘I could really go for some lasagna right now,’ he murmured, the image of the savory dish clouding his thoughts. Anna, on the other hand, was not so sure. ‘I was thinking something ___3___, maybe a nice risotto or even pizza,’ she suggested, picturing a dish filled with bursting flavors of saffron and earthy mushrooms.

As they debated between the ___4___ tapestry of Italian cuisine and the simplicity and precision of Japanese dishes such as onigiri or a warm, comforting bowl of miso soup, the aroma from neighboring restaurants filled the air, making their decision even ___5___ challenging. ‘We could also consider Japanese,’ Anna said, her voice laced with indecision. ‘I’ve been craving ramen ever since that ___6___ evening last week.’ Ben nodded, his thoughts now shifting to the steam rising from a hot bowl of ramen, the perfect antidote to the cold weather they had been experiencing.

Amidst their back-and-forth, they noticed a colorful flyer on the ground, carried by the wind. It announced a local food festival happening that very evening, promising an array of dishes from all over the world. Their eyes ___7___ up at the opportunity to not just settle for one type of cuisine but to indulge in a ___8___ of flavors. With a shared look of excitement, they decided that the food festival would be the perfect spot to end their culinary indecisiveness. ‘We can have it all!’ exclaimed Ben, his enthusiasm ___9___.

The food festival was bustling with people, stalls lined up showcasing not just Italian and Japanese foods, but also Thai, Mexican, Indian, and many others. Ben made a beeline for the first Italian stall he saw, ordering a slice of pizza while Anna opted for a small plate of risotto from another. They met again, sharing their dishes before moving on to their next craving. The Japanese stall was not far off, and soon they were enjoying onigiri and sipping on miso soup, their taste buds ___10___ with joy.

As the night wore on and the crowd thinned, Ben and Anna sat on a nearby bench, their appetites satisfied, their earlier debate now just a fun memory. They had traveled the world on a culinary adventure without leaving their city, all thanks to the unexpected discovery of the food festival. With happy hearts and full stomachs, they promised to return next year, eager for whatever gastronomic delights would greet them then.


1) A. stared    B. fixed    C. watched    D. glued   

2) A. sour    B. sweet    C. succulent    D. spicy   

3) A. lighter    B. heavier    C. darker    D. brighter   

4) A. bright    B. poor    C. eager    D. rich 

5) A. more    B. less    C. equally    D. never   

6) A. cool    B. warm    C. heated    D. chilly  

7) A. shut    B. lit    C. opened    D. closed   

8) A. plentifulness    B. shortage    C. plethora    D. scarcity   

9) A. infectious    B. disease    C. poisonous    D. harmful   

10) A. dancing    B. sleeping    C. crawling    D. walking   

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The text indicates that Ben was attracted to the lasagna because of its described layers, suggesting he was tempted by it.

(“specifically on the lasagna that promised layers of creamy cheese and succulent meat sauce.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Anna actually expresses her desire for something lighter, contrasting Ben’s preference for lasagna, not heavier.

(“‘I was thinking something lighter, maybe a nice risotto or even pizza,’ she suggested”)


  1. True

Explanation: Finding the flyer led to their quick decision to attend the food festival, showing immediate agreement.

(“Their eyes lit up at the opportunity to not just settle for one type of cuisine but to indulge in a plethora of flavors.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text establishes that the food festival had a variety of foods from different countries, not limited to Italian and Japanese.

(“stalls lined up showcasing not just Italian and Japanese foods, but also Thai, Mexican, Indian, and many others.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Anna links her craving for ramen to the memory of a chilly evening, suggesting that it influenced her desire.

(“‘I’ve been craving ramen ever since that chilly evening last week.'”)


  1. False

Explanation: Ben showed agreement by nodding when Japanese cuisine was suggested, indicating that he was not opposed.

(“‘We could also consider Japanese,’ Anna said, her voice laced with indecision. ‘I’ve been craving ramen…’ Ben nodded…”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text explicitly states that the aromas made the decision more challenging, not easier.

(“the aroma from neighboring restaurants filled the air, making their decision even more challenging.”)


  1. True

Explanation: This sentence confirms that they shared their dishes with each other.

(“They met again, sharing their dishes before moving on to their next craving.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text specifies it was a local food festival, not an art festival.

(“It announced a local food festival happening that very evening…”)


  1. True

Explanation: Both Ben’s fixation on the menu and Anna’s hesitation suggest initial indecisiveness about their dinner choices.

(“Ben and Anna stood outside… Ben’s eyes were fixed on the menu… Anna, on the other hand, was not so sure.”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text does not mention whether they immediately forgot their debate after deciding on the food festival.



  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text does not mention any plans for exploring culinary options in a different city next year; it only indicates their intent to return to the same festival.


Multiple Choice Answers

  1. A

Explanation: The text suggests that Ben and Anna were struggling to decide between Italian and Japanese cuisines. The discovery of the food festival offered a variety of options, resolving their indecision.

(“With a shared look of excitement, they decided that the food festival would be the perfect spot to end their culinary indecisiveness.”)

  1. B

Explanation: Ben was primarily interested in the lasagna displayed on the menu because of its appealing description.

(“Ben’s eyes were fixed on the menu displayed in the window, specifically on the lasagna that promised layers of creamy cheese and succulent meat sauce.”)

  1. C

Explanation: Ben thought about ramen because Anna mentioned craving it, which influenced their decision-making.

(“‘We could also consider Japanese,’ Anna said, her voice laced with indecision.”)

  1. B

Explanation: Ben and Anna were excited about the chance to try various types of food from around the world, not limited to Italian or Japanese.

(“Their eyes lit up at the opportunity to not just settle for one type of cuisine but to indulge in a plethora of flavors.”)

  1. B

Explanation: After sharing Italian and Japanese dishes, the text indicates that Ben and Anna continued to explore other cuisines at the festival.

(“They met again, sharing their dishes before moving on to their next craving.”)

  1. B

Explanation: The smells from the nearby restaurants added to the complexity of deciding where to eat, as indicated in the text.

(“The aroma from neighboring restaurants filled the air, making their decision even more challenging.”)

  1. B

Explanation: Anna suggested a lighter option for food, such as risotto or pizza, rather than the heavier lasagna Ben was looking at.

(“‘I was thinking something lighter, maybe a nice risotto or even pizza,’ she suggested.”)

  1. C

Explanation: The text describes Ben ordering pizza and Anna choosing risotto, which they eventually shared.

(“Ben made a beeline for the first Italian stall he saw, ordering a slice of pizza while Anna opted for a small plate of risotto from another. They met again, sharing their dishes”)

  1. B

Explanation: The text concludes with Ben and Anna feeling pleased with the food festival and looking forward to attending again the next year.

(“With happy hearts and full stomachs, they promised to return next year, eager for whatever gastronomic delights would greet them then.”)

  1. C

Explanation: The cold weather made Anna crave something warm, which is why she thought of ramen.

(“‘I’ve been craving ramen ever since that chilly evening last week,’ Ben nodded, his thoughts now shifting to the steam rising from a hot bowl of ramen.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. They found a flyer for a local food festival.

Explanation: The flyer provided information about the food festival, which prompted them to change their original plan.

(“Amidst their back-and-forth, they noticed a colorful flyer on the ground, carried by the wind. It announced a local food festival happening that very evening…”)


  1. Anna had been craving ramen since a chilly evening last week.

Explanation: Anna expressed a specific craving for ramen, which explains why Japanese food was considered.

(“‘We could also consider Japanese,’ Anna said… ‘I’ve been craving ramen ever since that chilly evening last week.'”)


  1. The aroma from neighboring restaurants and the decision between Italian and Japanese cuisine.

Explanation: The combination of enticing aromas and a variety of options caused their indecision.

(“As they debated between the rich tapestry of Italian cuisine and the simplicity and precision of Japanese dishes… the aroma from neighboring restaurants filled the air, making their decision even more challenging.”)


  1. By trying dishes from multiple cuisines.

Explanation: The food festival allowed them to sample diverse foods, thus resolving their indecisiveness.

(“With a shared look of excitement, they decided that the food festival would be the perfect spot to end their culinary indecisiveness.”)


  1. Lasagna.

Explanation: Ben’s focus on the menu’s lasagna implies that it was the dish he initially wanted.

(“Ben’s eyes were fixed on the menu displayed in the window, specifically on the lasagna…”)


  1. Risotto with saffron and mushrooms.

Explanation: Anna’s picturing of risotto indicates the dish she was considering.

(“‘I was thinking something lighter, maybe a nice risotto or even pizza,’ she suggested, picturing a dish filled with bursting flavors of saffron and earthy mushrooms.”)


  1. They debated the rich tapestry of Italian cuisine.

Explanation: The debate over Italian cuisine indicates it was one of their initial preferences.

(“As they debated between the rich tapestry of Italian cuisine and the simplicity and precision of Japanese dishes…”)


  1. Her voice was laced with indecision.

Explanation: Anna’s voice conveying indecision indicates her earlier uncertainty.

(“‘We could also consider Japanese,’ Anna said, her voice laced with indecision.”)


  1. It allowed them to experience a culinary adventure without leaving their city.

Explanation: The food festival gave them a different kind of evening than a typical restaurant visit.

(“They had traveled the world on a culinary adventure without leaving their city, all thanks to the unexpected discovery of the food festival.”)


  1. Their appetites were satisfied, and they planned to return next year.

Explanation: The text states that their appetites were satisfied and they planned a future visit.

(“Ben and Anna sat on a nearby bench, their appetites satisfied, their earlier debate now just a fun memory… they promised to return next year…”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Fixed’ indicates concentration on a specific object or image.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Succulent’ refers to something juicy and tender, often used for meat.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Lighter’ is used to describe a less filling or less heavy meal.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Rich’ suggests a variety of elements or complexity.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘More’ suggests an increase in difficulty.

  1. D

Explanation: ‘Chilly’ means cold in a mild or unpleasant way.

  1. B

Explanation: ‘Lit up’ means their eyes shone with excitement or happiness.

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Plethora’ means a large or excessive amount.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Infectious’ here means that his excitement could affect others.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Dancing’ suggests delight and lively movement.

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