Flight Friends B2

This is a free B2 upper-intermediate level English reading lesson about Flight Friends. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on transportation, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Flight Friends

Free reading lesson on transportation, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Table of Contents

Flight Friends

The bustling atmosphere of the airport was thick with anticipation, as countless passengers eagerly awaited their upcoming flights. Two women, strangers until fate decided to cross their paths, found themselves sharing a bench by the departure gate. Their flight had been delayed, and it seemed they had more to talk about than just the passing time. As they sat and chatted, they discovered both had arrived using different modes of transportation, making their prelude to meeting as varied as their destinations.


The first woman, Anna, had decided to take the train to reach the airport. She explained it was often more reliable than driving, and she wanted to avoid the stress of traffic. Anna found comfort in the rhythmic clatter of the train as it weaved through the city, a peaceful prelude to the chaos of travel. She shared how she had double-checked her passport and visa countless times before leaving, fearing the panic of forgetting something so vital.


On the other hand, Sarah, who had just met Anna, admitted that she had taken a taxi. She reasoned that it allowed her to make use of the time to check her emails one last time before embarking on her journey. Sarah had a fear of missing out on important messages just before a long flight. She laughed, recounting how she had almost left her boarding pass on the kitchen counter in her rush.


The conversation flowed effortlessly between the two, as if they were long-lost friends rather than brief acquaintances. They discussed their reasons for traveling, the places they dreamed of visiting, and the taste of adventure that seemed to linger in the air. Each story was punctuated by a glance at the departure board, a silent wish for their delayed flight to be called.


The hours passed, and the once strangers found themselves sharing snacks and travel experiences. They compared notes on the best ways to pass time during a flight, debated the most comfortable airport attire, and even shared tips on how to breeze through security. It was a companionship forged by circumstance but enriched by shared laughter and mutual understanding.


As the announcement finally came that their flight was ready to board, Anna and Sarah gathered their carry-on bags and joined the queue. They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch and to share pictures of their travels. The delay had given them an unexpected gift – a new friendship born amidst the transient nature of an airport lounge. And as they walked towards the plane, passports and boarding passes in hand, they both felt that the delay was not so much an inconvenience as it was the start of something wonderful.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: B2.5

Vocabulary: B2.3

Verb Forms: A2.4

Sentences: B2.1


amidst    ADP    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

prep. Alt. of Amid


anticipation    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. an expectation
    n. something expected (as on the basis of a norm)
    n. anticipating with confidence of fulfillment


attire    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion


boarding    NOUN    C2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. the act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft
    n. a structure of boards


clatter    NOUN    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement)
    v. make a rattling sound


companionship    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

n the state of being with someone


enrich    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. make better or improve in quality
    v. make wealthy or richer


forge    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. furnace consisting of a special hearth where metal is heated before shaping
    n. a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering
    v. create by hammering
    v. make a copy of with the intent to deceive


inconvenience    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. an inconvenient discomfort
    n. the quality of not being useful or convenient


linger    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. remain present although waning or gradually dying
    v. take one’s time; proceed slowly


prelude    NOUN    C2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera
    v. serve as a prelude or opening to
    v. play as a prelude


punctuate    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. insert punctuation marks into
    v. interrupt periodically


weave    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. pattern of weaving or structure of a fabric
    v. interlace by or as if by weaving
    v. create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton
    v. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course





boarding pass


  • She laughed, recounting how she had almost left her boarding pass on the kitchen counter in her rush.
  • And as they walked towards the plane, passports and boarding passes in hand, they both felt that the delay was not so much an inconvenience as it was the start of something wonderful.

breeze through (something)


  • They compared notes on the best ways to pass time during a flight, debated the most comfortable airport attire, and even shared tips on how to breeze through security.

by circumstance


  • It was a companionship forged by circumstance but enriched by shared laughter and mutual understanding.

compare notes on (someone or something)


  • They compared notes on the best ways to pass time during a flight, debated the most comfortable airport attire, and even shared tips on how to breeze through security.

cross somebody’s path


  • Two women, strangers until fate decided to cross their paths, found themselves sharing a bench by the departure gate.

dream of (someone or something)


  • They discussed their reasons for traveling, the places they dreamed of visiting, and the taste of adventure that seemed to linger in the air.

fear of missing out


  • Sarah had a fear of missing out on important messages just before a long flight.

in the air


  • They discussed their reasons for traveling, the places they dreamed of visiting, and the taste of adventure that seemed to linger in the air.

keep in touch


  • They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch and to share pictures of their travels.

make use of (someone or something)


  • She reasoned that it allowed her to make use of the time to check her emails one last time before embarking on her journey.

miss out on (something)


  • Sarah had a fear of missing out on important messages just before a long flight.

on the other hand


  • On the other hand, Sarah, who had just met Anna, admitted that she had taken a taxi.

pass time


  • Their flight had been delayed, and it seemed they had more to talk about than just the passing time.
  • They compared notes on the best ways to pass time during a flight, debated the most comfortable airport attire, and even shared tips on how to breeze through security.

rather than


  • The conversation flowed effortlessly between the two, as if they were long-lost friends rather than brief acquaintances.

thick with (someone or something)


  • The bustling atmosphere of the airport was thick with anticipation, as countless passengers eagerly awaited their upcoming flights.


Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. Anna took a train to the airport because she finds it more relaxing than driving.


  1. Sarah took a taxi to the airport to save time so she could check her emails until the last minute.


  1. During their conversation, Anna and Sarah talked about their past travel misadventures.


  1. While waiting for their flight, Anna and Sarah realized they have similar tastes in travel destinations.


  1. Sarah’s taxi ride to the airport was stressful due to her nearly forgetting her boarding pass.


  1. The two women had prior knowledge of each other before meeting at the airport.


  1. They found something to talk about due to the delayed flight.


  1. The meeting between Anna and Sarah was set to happen by prior arrangement.


  1. The travelers exchanged travel tips while waiting for their delayed flight.


  1. Anna and Sarah felt that the time spent waiting for the flight was wasted.

Multiple Choice

1. Why did Anna consider the train more reliable than driving to the airport?

  A) To avoid the stress of traffic

  B) Because she enjoys the scenic route

  C) To save money on transportation costs

  D) The train was faster than driving


2. What concern led Sarah to choose a taxi to reach the airport?

  A) She was running late and needed the quickest option

  B) She wanted to check her emails one last time

  C) Taxis were available at a discount

  D) She prefers taxi comfort over other modes of transport


3. What unintentional mistake did Sarah nearly make before leaving for the airport?

  A) She almost forgot to pack her luggage

  B) She nearly left her passport at home

  C) She almost left her boarding pass on the kitchen counter

  D) She forgot to check her email


4. What best describes the nature of the relationship between Anna and Sarah during their wait?

  A) They were mostly silent and kept to themselves

  B) They talked about impersonal topics like the weather

  C) They seemed to be already familiar with each other

  D) They discussed their travels as if they were long-lost friends


5. How did Anna and Sarah pass the time during the flight delay?

  A) By finding quiet corners to rest in the airport

  B) By sharing snacks and travel experiences

  C) By watching movies on their personal devices

  D) By browsing the duty-free shops in the airport


6. What did the delay in their flight allow Anna and Sarah to do?

  A) Visit the airport lounge

  B) Form a new friendship

  C) Take a nap

  D) Complain to the airport staff


7. What action did Anna and Sarah take as their flight was ready to board?

  A) They left the airport to find a hotel

  B) They asked for compensation for the delay

  C) They went to buy souvenirs

  D) They joined the queue with carry-on bags


8. What was the shared sentiment between Anna and Sarah about the flight delay as they boarded the plane?

  A) It was an unwelcome inconvenience

  B) It was an opportunity to explore the airport

  C) It was the beginning of a pleasant journey

  D) It was the start of something wonderful


9. Why did Anna ensure she had her passport and visa before leaving for the airport?

  A) She needed them to book her train ticket

  B) She was afraid of losing them at the airport

  C) She feared forgetting these vital documents

  D) They were required for her to enter the airport


10. What did Anna and Sarah promise each other as they boarded their plane?

  A) To never travel together again

  B) To keep in touch and share travel pictures

  C) To complain about the delay to the airline

  D) To meet again at the airport in the future


Short Answer

  1. Why did Anna choose to take the train to the airport?


  1. What was one of Sarah’s concerns about taking a taxi to the airport?


  1. What nearly caused Sarah panic before leaving for the airport?


  1. What did Anna repeatedly check before leaving for the airport?


  1. What did both women do as they conversed and waited for their delayed flight?


  1. How did Anna and Sarah feel about their conversation?


  1. What did the two women exchange before boarding their flight?


  1. What unexpected gift did the flight delay give to Anna and Sarah?


  1. How did the women view the delay in their flight by the end of their wait?


  1. What did Anna and Sarah promise to do after their travels?

Multiple Choice Cloze

The bustling atmosphere of the airport was thick with ___1___, as countless passengers eagerly awaited their upcoming flights. Two women, strangers until fate decided to cross their paths, found themselves sharing a bench by the departure gate. Their flight had been delayed, and it seemed they had more to talk about than just the passing time. As they sat and chatted, they discovered both had arrived using different ___2___ of transportation, making their prelude to meeting as varied as their destinations.


The first woman, Anna, had decided to take the ___3___ to reach the airport. She explained it was often more ___4___ than driving, and she wanted to avoid the stress of traffic. Anna found comfort in the rhythmic clatter of the train as it ___5___ through the city, a peaceful prelude to the chaos of travel. She shared how she had double-checked her passport and visa countless times before leaving, fearing the ___6___ of forgetting something so vital.


On the other hand, Sarah, who had just met Anna, admitted that she had taken a taxi. She reasoned that it allowed her to make use of the time to check her ___7___ one last time before embarking on her journey. Sarah had a fear of missing out on important messages just before a long flight. She laughed, recounting how she had almost left her boarding pass on the kitchen counter in her rush.


The conversation flowed ___8___ between the two, as if they were long-lost friends rather than brief acquaintances. They discussed their reasons for traveling, the places they dreamed of visiting, and the taste of ___9___ that seemed to linger in the air. Each story was punctuated by a glance at the departure board, a silent wish for their delayed flight to be called.


The hours passed, and the once strangers found themselves sharing snacks and travel experiences. They compared notes on the best ways to pass time during a flight, debated the most comfortable airport ___10___, and even shared tips on how to breeze through security. It was a companionship forged by circumstance but enriched by shared laughter and mutual understanding.


As the announcement finally came that their flight was ready to board, Anna and Sarah gathered their carry-on bags and joined the queue. They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch and to share pictures of their travels. The delay had given them an unexpected gift – a new friendship born amidst the transient nature of an airport lounge. And as they walked towards the plane, passports and boarding passes in hand, they both felt that the delay was not so much an inconvenience as it was the start of something wonderful.


1) A. anticipation    B. noise    C. music    D. crowds   

2) A. forms    B. ways    C. means    D. modes   

3) A. car    B. train    C. bus    D. bike   

4) A. expensive    B. reliable    C. quick    D. rare   

5) A. rushed    B. dragged    C. pushed    D. weaved   

6) A. panic    B. joy    C. happiness    D. excitement   

7) A. emails    B. tickets    C. messages    D. social media   

8) A. erratically    B. painfully    C. effortlessly    D. quietly   

9) A. adventure    B. fear    C. food    D. sleep   

10) A. attire    B. tickets    C. planes    D. seats   

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The text explicitly states Anna chose the train over driving to avoid stress, implying she finds it more relaxing.

(“The first woman, Anna, had decided to take the train to reach the airport. She explained it was often more reliable than driving, and she wanted to avoid the stress of traffic.”)


  1. True

Explanation: It is true according to the text that Sarah’s reason for taking a taxi was to make use of the time before her journey to check emails.

(“Sarah, who had just met Anna, admitted that she had taken a taxi. She reasoned that it allowed her to make use of the time to check her emails one last time before embarking on her journey.”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text does not specify whether they talked about past travel misadventures.



  1. Not Given

Explanation: There is no information in the text about whether their tastes in travel destinations were similar.



  1. True

Explanation: According to the text, Sarah did have a moment of stress as she almost forgot her boarding pass.

(“She laughed, recounting how she had almost left her boarding pass on the kitchen counter in her rush.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text says the women were strangers before meeting at the airport, so they didn’t know each other before.

(“Two women, strangers until fate decided to cross their paths, found themselves sharing a bench by the departure gate.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text implies that the delay contributed to their finding common topics of conversation.

(“Their flight had been delayed, and it seemed they had more to talk about than just the passing time.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text suggests that their meeting was not planned, but rather a result of chance.

(“Two women, strangers until fate decided to cross their paths…”)


  1. True

Explanation: The passage confirms they exchanged tips about traveling.

(“They compared notes on the best ways to pass time during a flight, […] shared tips on how to breeze through security.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text states that the delay resulted in a positive outcome, a new friendship, not wasted time.

(“The delay had given them an unexpected gift – a new friendship.”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. A

Explanation: The text explicitly mentions that Anna found the train more reliable and wanted to avoid traffic stress, thus making this the correct choice.

(“She explained it was often more reliable than driving, and she wanted to avoid the stress of traffic.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text indicates that Sarah chose a taxi to have time to check her emails, making the other choices incorrect.

(“She reasoned that it allowed her to make use of the time to check her emails one last time before embarking on her journey.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The passage mentions Sarah almost leaving her boarding pass behind, not making any of the other mistakes listed.

(“She laughed, recounting how she had almost left her boarding pass on the kitchen counter in her rush.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text describes their conversation as if they were long-lost friends, therefore the other choices do not accurately describe their interaction.

(“The conversation flowed effortlessly between the two, as if they were long-lost friends rather than brief acquaintances.”)

  1. B

Explanation: Only the action of sharing snacks and travel experiences is mentioned in the text as a way they passed the time.

(“The hours passed, and the once strangers found themselves sharing snacks and travel experiences.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text indicates that the delay resulted in them forming a new friendship, with no mention of the other activities.

(“The delay had given them an unexpected gift – a new friendship born amidst the transient nature of an airport lounge.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text clearly states they joined the queue with their carry-on bags, and none of the other choices are mentioned.

(“Anna and Sarah gathered their carry-on bags and joined the queue.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text conveys their feeling that the delay was the start of something wonderful, which none of the other choices reflect.

(“They both felt that the delay was not so much an inconvenience as it was the start of something wonderful.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Anna double-checked her documents to avoid forgetting them, as per the text. The other choices present situations not mentioned in the passage.

(“She had double-checked her passport and visa countless times before leaving, fearing the panic of forgetting something so vital.”)


  1. B

Explanation: Only their promise to keep in touch and share pictures is stated in the text, not the other promises.

(“They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch and to share pictures of their travels.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. It was often more reliable than driving and she wanted to avoid the stress of traffic.

Explanation: Anna provides her reasons for taking the train, highlighting reliability and avoiding traffic stress.

(“Anna, had decided to take the train to reach the airport. She explained it was often more reliable than driving, and she wanted to avoid the stress of traffic.”)


  1. The fear of missing out on important messages.

Explanation: Sarah’s concern while taking a taxi was to check her emails to avoid missing out on important messages.

(“Sarah, who had just met Anna, admitted that she had taken a taxi. She reasoned that it allowed her to make use of the time to check her emails one last time before embarking on her journey.”)


  1. Almost leaving her boarding pass on the kitchen counter.

Explanation: In a rush, Sarah nearly forgot her boarding pass at home, which could have caused her panic.

(“She laughed, recounting how she had almost left her boarding pass on the kitchen counter in her rush.”)


  1. Her passport and visa.

Explanation: Anna double-checked her passport and visa many times to avoid the panic of forgetting them.

(“She shared how she had double-checked her passport and visa countless times before leaving.”)


  1. They shared snacks and travel experiences.

Explanation: The text mentions that while waiting, both women shared snacks and experiences.

(“The hours passed, and the once strangers found themselves sharing snacks and travel experiences.”)


  1. As if they were long-lost friends.

Explanation: The text suggests that their conversation was natural and easy, reminiscent of a conversation between friends.

(“The conversation flowed effortlessly between the two, as if they were long-lost friends rather than brief acquaintances.”)


  1. Contact information.

Explanation: Before boarding, they exchanged information to stay in contact.

(“They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch and to share pictures of their travels.”)


  1. A new friendship.

Explanation: The text indicates that the flight delay resulted in the two women forming a new friendship.

(“The delay had given them an unexpected gift – a new friendship.”)


  1. As the start of something wonderful.

Explanation: Towards the end, they perceived the delay not as an inconvenience but as the beginning of a positive experience.

(“And as they walked towards the plane, passports and boarding passes in hand, they both felt that the delay was not so much an inconvenience as it was the start of something wonderful.”)


  1. To share pictures of their travels.

Explanation: The promise made between Anna and Sarah included sharing travel photos after their journey.

(“They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch and to share pictures of their travels.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. A

Explanation: Anticipation fits the context of passengers waiting for their flights and feeling excited.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘modes of transportation’ is a common collocation.


  1. B

Explanation: The train was the transport chosen by Anna.


  1. B

Explanation: Reliable is correct; it indicates dependability which Anna prefers.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘weaved’ is correct as it suggests moving in and out of places along the path.


  1. A

Explanation: Panic is correct; it describes the fear of forgetting something important.


  1. A

Explanation: Emails is the correct answer; it’s what Sarah wanted to check one last time before her flight.


  1. C

Explanation: Effortlessly is correct; it means the conversation was easy and natural.


  1. A

Explanation: Adventure is correct; it’s associated with travel and the feelings they’re discussing.


  1. A

Explanation: Attire is correct; it refers to clothing, which would be discussed in relation to comfort.

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