Where in the Home? B1

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This is a free B1 intermediate level English reading lesson about household items. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on home and household items, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels

Where in the Home?

Free reading lesson on home and household items, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels

Table of Contents

Where in the Home?

John woke up late this Sunday morning feeling a bit confused. He had spent the night reading, and now his glasses were gone. He put on some clothes and started his search in the bedroom. The room was a bit of a mess with clothes thrown around. He checked under the bed, but his glasses were not there.

Next, he went to the hallway, hoping he might have left them there. But after looking on the small table and the shelf, he still did not find them. The hallway was clear, so he moved on. John then headed to the living room where his bookshelf was filled with his favorite reads. He thought he might have left his glasses there last night. But after checking each shelf, all he could find was an old watch.

Feeling a bit hungry, John walked to the kitchen. He moved a pile of yesterday’s newspaper and looked behind the fruit bowl, but his glasses were not there either. The counters were clean, and there was no sign of his glasses. With each room he checked, John grew more puzzled about where his glasses could be.

John had one last place to search – the garage. It was full of boxes, tools, and old furniture. He started searching on the dusty dresser where he usually put things he did not use often. Among some keys and loose change, there was no trace of his glasses. He sighed and left the garage, feeling defeated.

He decided to sit down on the couch and think about where else he could look. As he rested his head in his hands, something slid down the front of his face. To his surprise, and a bit of embarrassment, John realized his glasses had been on his head the whole time. All those hours spent searching through the house, and they were right above his eyes! With a laugh, John stood up, put his glasses on, and went to make a nice cup of coffee, relieved the search was over.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: B1.1

Vocabulary: A2.1

Verb Forms: B1.0

Sentences: B1.1


couch    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a flat coat of paint or varnish used by artists as a primer
    n. a narrow bed on which a patient lies during psychiatric or psychoanalytic treatment


counter    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. table consisting of a horizontal surface over which business is transacted
    n. game equipment (as a piece of wood, plastic, or ivory) used for keeping a count or reserving a space in various card or board games
    n. a calculator that keeps a record of the number of times something happens
    n. a person who counts things


defeated    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. people who are defeated
    a. beaten or overcome; not victorious
    s. disappointingly unsuccessful


dresser    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a person who dresses in a particular way
    n. a wardrobe assistant for an actor
    n. a cabinet with shelves


embarrassment    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public
    n. the state of being embarrassed (usually by some financial inadequacy)
    n. some event that causes someone to be embarrassed


puzzled    ADJ    B2    x1

Definition (En):

v be a mystery or bewildering to
v be uncertain about; think about without fully understanding or being able to decide
s filled with bewilderment


read    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. something that is read
    v. interpret something that is written or printed
    v. have or contain a certain wording or form
    v. look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed


relieve    VERB    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. provide physical relief, as from pain
    v. free from a burden, evil, or distress
    v. take by stealing
    v. alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive


sigh    VERB    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. an utterance made by exhaling audibly
    n. a sound like a person sighing
    v. heave or utter a sigh; breathe deeply and heavily
    v. utter with a sigh


slide    VERB    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study
    n. (geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc.
    n. plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide
    n. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it


trace    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a just detectable amount
    n. an indication that something has been present
    n. either of two lines that connect a horse’s harness to a wagon or other vehicle or to a whiffletree
    n. a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle





a bit of


  • The room was a bit of a mess with clothes thrown around.
  • To his surprise, and a bit of embarrassment, John realized his glasses had been on his head the whole time.

be full of


  • It was full of boxes, tools, and old furniture.

loose change


  • Among some keys and loose change, there was no trace of his glasses.

sit down on (someone or something)


  • He decided to sit down on the couch and think about where else he could look.

slide down


  • As he rested his head in his hands, something slid down the front of his face.

spend the night


  • He had spent the night reading, and now his glasses were gone.

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. John lost his glasses while he was reading the night before.


  1. John’s bedroom was very tidy when he was looking for his glasses.


  1. John found his glasses under the bed.


  1. He was hoping to find his glasses on the bookshelf in the living room.


  1. John found an old watch when he was looking for his glasses in the living room.


  1. John was not hungry during his search for his glasses.


  1. The glasses were behind the fruit bowl in the kitchen.


  1. John found his glasses in the garage on a dusty dresser.


  1. John never searched the bathroom for his glasses.


  1. At the end of the search, John made a cup of tea to relax.

Multiple Choice

1)     Why was John feeling confused this morning?

A)    He was running late for work

B)    He didn’t sleep well

C)    He lost his glasses

D)    He had to clean his room


2)     Where did John finally find his glasses?

A)    In the bedroom

B)    In the garage

C)    In the kitchen

D)    On his head


3)     Where did John NOT look for his glasses?

A)    The bathroom

B)    The hallway

C)    The living room

D)    The kitchen


4)     What did John plan to do after finding his glasses?

A)    Continued searching

B)    Made a cup of coffee

C)    Went back to bed

D)    Sat on the couch


5)     What feeling did John have when he couldn’t find his glasses in the garage?

A)    Happiness

B)    Confusion

C)    Defeat

D)    Excitement


6)     What did John discover in the living room?

A)    His old watch

B)    His glasses

C)    A pile of newspapers

D)    Loose change


7)     What was John’s condition of the kitchen when he searched there?

A)    It was very dirty

B)    There was a lot of furniture

C)    The counters were clean

D)    It was full of boxes


8)     Why did John go to the garage?

A)    To fix his car

B)    To search for his glasses

C)    To put away tools

D)    To organize the boxes


9)     What did John feel after realizing where his glasses were?

A)    Sadness

B)    Anger

C)    Surprise

D)    Disappointment


10)  Where did John not find his glasses?

A)    On the bookshelf

B)    Under the bed

C)    Behind the fruit bowl

D)    All of these

Short Answer

  1. Why did John feel confused when he woke up?


  1. What was the state of the bedroom when John started looking for his glasses?


  1. Where did John find an old watch?


  1. What did John do after feeling hungry?


  1. Why did John feel defeated after searching the garage?


  1. Where had John’s glasses been the whole time he was searching?


  1. How did John react when he found his glasses on his head?


  1. Where did John check first for his glasses?


  1. What made the kitchen counter appear clean?


  1. What did John plan to do after his search for glasses was over?

Multiple Choice Cloze

John woke up late this Sunday morning feeling a bit ___1___. He had spent the night reading, and now his glasses were gone. He put on some ___2___ and started his search in the bedroom. The room was a bit of a mess with clothes thrown around. He checked under the bed, but his glasses were not there.

Next, he went to the ___3___, hoping he might have left them there. But after looking on the small table and the shelf, he still did not ___4___ them. The hallway was clear, so he moved on. John then headed to the living room where his bookshelf was filled with his favorite reads. He thought he might have ___5___ his glasses there last night. But after checking each shelf, all he could find was an old watch.

Feeling a bit ___6___, John walked to the kitchen. He moved a pile of yesterday’s newspaper and looked behind the fruit bowl, but his glasses were not there either. The counters were clean, and there was no sign of his glasses. With each room he checked, John grew more ___7___ about where his glasses could be.

John had one last place to search – the garage. It was full of boxes, tools, and old furniture. He started searching on the dusty dresser where he usually put things he did not use often. Among some keys and loose change, there was no ___8___ of his glasses. He sighed and left the garage, feeling defeated.

He decided to sit down on the ___9___ and think about where else he could look. As he rested his head in his hands, something slid down the front of his face. To his surprise, and a bit of embarrassment, John realized his glasses had been on his head the whole time. All those hours spent searching through the house, and they were right above his ___10___! With a laugh, John stood up, put his glasses on, and went to make a nice cup of coffee, relieved the search was over.


1) A. confused    B. excited    C. sleepy    D. angry   

2) A. glasses    B. clothes    C. shoes    D. hat   

3) A. kitchen    B. bedroom    C. hallway    D. bathroom   

4) A. fix    B. buy    C. find    D. make   

5) A. bought    B. broken    C. left    D. sold   

6) A. full    B. Happy    C. hungry    D. tired   

7) A. excited    B. puzzled    C. relaxed    D. determined   

8) A. trace    B. problem    C. solution    D. image   

9) A. bed    B. floor    C. couch    D. chair   

10) A. ears    B. eyes    C. nose    D. hair   

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The text says that John read the night before and then his glasses were gone, which means he lost them.

(“He had spent the night reading, and now his glasses were gone.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text describes his bedroom as a bit of a mess, which is the opposite of tidy.

(“The room was a bit of a mess with clothes thrown around.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text clearly mentions that the glasses were not under the bed.

(“He checked under the bed, but his glasses were not there.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text says John went to the bookshelf thinking he might have left his glasses there.

(“John then headed to the living room where his bookshelf was filled with his favorite reads. He thought he might have left his glasses there last night.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text indicates that John found an old watch on the bookshelf.

(“But after checking each shelf, all he could find was an old watch.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text states that John felt a bit hungry as he went to the kitchen.

(“Feeling a bit hungry, John walked to the kitchen.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text explicitly says that the glasses were not behind the fruit bowl.

(“He moved a pile of yesterday’s newspaper and looked behind the fruit bowl, but his glasses were not there either.”)


  1. False

Explanation: According to the text, John did not find his glasses on the dresser in the garage.

(“He started searching on the dusty dresser where he usually put things he did not use often. Among some keys and loose change, there was no trace of his glasses.”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text does not mention whether or not John searched the bathroom.



  1. False

Explanation: The text specifies that John made a cup of coffee, not tea.

(“With a laugh, John stood up, put his glasses on, and went to make a nice cup of coffee, relieved the search was over.”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. C

Explanation: John was feeling confused because he couldn’t find his glasses after reading the night before.

(“He had spent the night reading, and now his glasses were gone.”)


  1. D

Explanation: John found his glasses on his head after he sat down and relaxed.

(“John realized his glasses had been on his head the whole time.”)


  1. A

Explanation: The text does not mention John looking in the bathroom.

(“He checked under the bed, but his glasses were not there. Next, he went to the hallway… John then headed to the living room… John walked to the kitchen.”)


  1. B

Explanation: John decided to make a cup of coffee after he found his glasses and was relieved.

(“John stood up, put his glasses on, and went to make a nice cup of coffee, relieved the search was over.”)


  1. C

Explanation: John felt defeated when he could not find his glasses in the garage.

(“He sighed and left the garage, feeling defeated.”)


  1. A

Explanation: While searching the living room, John found an old watch, not his glasses.

(“But after checking each shelf, all he could find was an old watch.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text indicates that the kitchen counters were clean during his search.

(“The counters were clean, and there was no sign of his glasses.”)


  1. B

Explanation: John went to the garage as it was his last place to search for his missing glasses.

(“John had one last place to search – the garage.”)


  1. C

Explanation: John felt surprise and a bit embarrassed when he found his glasses on his head.

(“To his surprise, and a bit of embarrassment, John realized his glasses had been on his head the whole time.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text confirms that John did not find his glasses in any of the mentioned places.

(“He checked under the bed, but his glasses were not there… after checking each shelf… behind the fruit bowl, but his glasses were not there either.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. He had spent the night reading and now his glasses were gone.

Explanation: The text mentions that John woke up feeling confused because he had spent the night reading and now couldn’t find his glasses.

(“He had spent the night reading, and now his glasses were gone.”)


  1. The room was a bit of a mess with clothes thrown around.

Explanation: The bedroom was messy, as indicated by the clothes thrown around.

(“The room was a bit of a mess with clothes thrown around.”)


  1. In the living room.

Explanation: The text specifies that John found an old watch in the living room where he was checking his bookshelf.

(“But after checking each shelf, all he could find was an old watch.”)


  1. He walked to the kitchen.

Explanation: Feeling hungry prompted John to walk to the kitchen to continue his search.

(“Feeling a bit hungry, John walked to the kitchen.”)


  1. He did not find his glasses there.

Explanation: John felt defeated after searching the garage because his glasses were not there among the keys and loose change.

(“Among some keys and loose change, there was no trace of his glasses.”)


  1. On his head.

Explanation: John discovered that his glasses were on his head after feeling something slide down his face.

(“John realized his glasses had been on his head the whole time.”)


  1. With a laugh.

Explanation: John laughed when he realized where his glasses were.

(“With a laugh, John stood up, put his glasses on, and went to make a nice cup of coffee.”)


  1. In the bedroom.

Explanation: The bedroom was the first place John searched for his missing glasses.

(“He put on some clothes and started his search in the bedroom.”)


  1. The counters were clean.

Explanation: The text describes that there was no sign of his glasses, indicating the kitchen counter was clean.

(“The counters were clean, and there was no sign of his glasses.”)


  1. Make a nice cup of coffee.

Explanation: The text indicates that John wanted to make a cup of coffee after finding his glasses and ending the search.

(“John stood up, put his glasses on, and went to make a nice cup of coffee, relieved the search was over.”)


Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. A

Explanation: Feeling ‘confused’ is the correct word as per the text.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Clothes’ is the correct word since he got dressed.


  1. C

Explanation: The ‘hallway’ is the correct place according to the text.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Find’ is the correct word, John is looking for his glasses.


  1. C

Explanation: He might have ‘left’ his glasses, as indicated by the text.


  1. C

Explanation: Feeling ‘hungry’ fits the context of feeling a bit and needing food.


  1. B

Explanation: John grew more ‘puzzled’, indicating increasing confusion.


  1. A

Explanation: No ‘trace’ of his glasses means no sign or indication.


  1. C

Explanation: The ‘couch’ is where he decided to sit.


  1. B

Explanation: The glasses were right above his ‘eyes’, as stated in the text.

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