Weekend Plans B1

This is a free B1 intermediate level English reading lesson about making plans for a weekend. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on making plans, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels.

Weekend Plans

Free reading lesson on making plans, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels.

Table of Contents

Weekend Plans

Tom sat at his desk, looking out of the window at the bright blue sky. It had been a long, tiring week at school, with lots of lessons and homework to do. He was feeling very happy that the weekend was near. This Saturday, he had plans to play outside with his friends. They all wanted to meet at the park, where they could run around and have fun. Tom thought it would be nice to play soccer or maybe even have a picnic.

After playing on Saturday, Tom planned to visit his grandparents on Sunday. He loved going to their house, which had a big garden and was near a small lake. They often told him stories and made him his favorite meals. His grandpa also liked to take him fishing. Tom remembered the last time they went fishing together. They had caught a big fish and Tom felt so proud.

Early on Sunday morning, Tom would pack his little fishing rod that his grandpa had given him. They would sit by the lake, waiting for fish to bite their bait. It was a quiet time for Tom to talk with his grandpa about everything. Sometimes, they sat in silence, just enjoying the peaceful water and fresh air.

Tom’s grandma would prepare a yummy lunch for them to eat after coming back from fishing. She made the best sandwiches and always cut the apples into small pieces, just the way Tom liked. In the evenings, they would sit together, sipping hot tea, and watching the stars. Tom felt grateful for these calm moments with his grandparents.

He went to bed early on Friday night to be ready for all the fun. As he closed his eyes, he wished for sunny days and lots of laughter. The weekend was finally here, and Tom could hardly wait to make the most of it with his friends and family.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: B1.1

Vocabulary: A1.7

Verb Forms: A2.5

Sentences: B1.2


bait    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. anything that serves as an enticement
    n. something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
    v. lure, entice, or entrap with bait
    v. attack with dogs or set dogs upon


rod    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a long thin implement made of metal or wood
    n. any rod-shaped bacterium
    n. a visual receptor cell that is sensitive to dim light


sip    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a small drink
    v. drink in sips


yummy    ADJ    C1    x1

Definition (En):

s extremely pleasing to the sense of taste





a big fish


  • They had caught a big fish and Tom felt so proud.

fishing rod


  • Early on Sunday morning, Tom would pack his little fishing rod that his grandpa had given him.

go to bed


  • He went to bed early on Friday night to be ready for all the fun.

make the most of (something)


  • The weekend was finally here, and Tom could hardly wait to make the most of it with his friends and family.

out (of) the window


  • Tom sat at his desk, looking out of the window at the bright blue sky.

wish for (someone or something)


  • As he closed his eyes, he wished for sunny days and lots of laughter.


Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. Tom thinks school is not easy.


  1. Tom will see his friends on Sunday.


  1. Playing ball is what Tom likes to do outside.


  1. Tom talks to his family on Sundays.


  1. Tom is always sad on the weekends.


  1. Tom does not like his grandparents.


  1. The weekend makes Tom feel tired.


  1. Tom’s friends run slowly when they play.


  1. Tom has a plan for the weekend.


  1. Tom plays games with his grandparents.

Multiple Choice

1)     What is Tom feeling about school?

A)    Tired

B)    Happy

C)    Hungry

D)    Cold


2)     What does Tom plan for the weekend?

A)    Go to school

B)    To play

C)    To sleep

D)    To read


3)     Where does Tom meet friends?

A)    Home

B)    School

C)    Outside

D)    Shop


4)     What do Tom and his friends do together?

A)    Study

B)    Work

C)    Draw

D)    Play ball


5)     Who is he visiting on Sunday?

A)    Teachers

B)    Friends

C)    Cousins

D)    Grandparents


6)     How does Tom feel on Sundays?

A)    Bored

B)    Unhappy

C)    Happy

D)    Scared


7)     What activity does Tom NOT do on the weekend?

A)    Run fast

B)    Play ball

C)    Go swimming

D)    Eat lunch


8)     What do Tom and his family do together on Sunday?

A)    Dance

B)    Talk together

C)    Sing songs

D)    Play games


9)     Why does Tom like weekends?

A)    They are long

B)    They are free

C)    They are busy

D)    They are fun


10)  What makes Sunday warm for Tom?

A)    The weather

B)    His clothes

C)    His family

D)    Playing sports

Short Answer

  1. What makes Tom tired?


  1. What is Tom’s plan for?


  1. Who does Tom call on Saturday?


  1. What do Tom and his friends do outside?


  1. How do the friends feel when playing?


  1. Who does Tom visit on Sunday?


  1. What does Tom do with his grandparents?


  1. How does Tom feel on Sundays?


  1. Why does Tom love weekends?


  1. What words describe the grandparents?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Tom sat at his desk, looking out of the window at the bright blue sky. It had been a long, ___1___ week at school, with lots of lessons and homework to do. He was ___2___ very happy that the weekend was near. This Saturday, he had plans to ___3___ outside with his friends. They all wanted to meet at the park, where they could run around and have ___4___. Tom thought it would be nice to play soccer or maybe even have a ___5___.

After playing on Saturday, Tom planned to ___6___ his grandparents on Sunday. He loved going to their house, which had a big garden and was near a small lake. They often told him stories and made him his ___7___ meals. His grandpa also liked to take him fishing. Tom remembered the last time they went fishing together. They had caught a big fish and Tom felt so ___8___.

Early on Sunday morning, Tom would pack his little fishing rod that his grandpa had given him. They would sit by the lake, ___9___ for fish to bite their bait. It was a quiet time for Tom to ___10___ with his grandpa about everything. Sometimes, they sat in silence, just enjoying the peaceful water and fresh air.

Tom’s grandma would prepare a ___11___ lunch for them to eat after coming back from fishing. She made the best sandwiches and always cut the apples into ___12___ pieces, just the way Tom liked. In the evenings, they would sit together, sipping hot tea, and watching the stars. Tom felt ___13___ for these calm moments with his grandparents.

He went to bed early on Friday night to be ready for all the fun. As he closed his eyes, he wished for sunny days and lots of laughter. The weekend was finally here, and Tom could hardly wait to make the most of it with his friends and family.


1) A. exciting    B. tiring    C. fast    D. amazing   

2) A. thinking    B. seeming    C. feeling    D. saying   

3) A. walk    B. study    C. play    D. help   

4) A. work    B. fun    C. dinner    D. sleep   

5) A. picnic    B. party    C. class    D. meeting   

6) A. call    B. visit    C. watch    D. thank   

7) A. least    B. favorite    C. different    D. strange   

8) A. proud    B. scared    C. bored    D. surprised   

9) A. running    B. waiting    C. dancing    D. pointing   

10) A. sing    B. yell    C. talk    D. laugh   

11) A. yummy    B. sour    C. spicy    D. bitter   

12) A. large    B. uneven    C. colorful    D. small   

13) A. prepared    B. grateful    C. tired    D. worried   

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The statement ‘School is hard’ suggests that Tom thinks school is not easy.

(“School is hard.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Tom calls friends to meet and play on Saturday, not Sunday.

(“Saturday is fun. He wants to play. Tom calls friends. They will meet.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Since Tom and his friends play ball outside, it indicates that it’s an activity Tom likes to do.

(“They play ball.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text shows that Tom visits his grandparents on Sunday and they talk together.

(“They talk together.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text clearly mentions that ‘Tom is happy’ and ‘Tom loves weekends’, which means he is not always sad.

(“Tom is happy. Sundays are warm. Tom loves weekends.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text states ‘Tom loves them,’ which indicates that he likes his grandparents.

(“Grandparents are old. Tom loves them.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Tom’s feelings about weekends are positive; he is happy and he loves weekends, which do not suggest that weekends make him tired.

(“Tom is happy. Sundays are warm. Tom loves weekends.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text says ‘They run fast,’ indicating that the friends do not run slowly.

(“They run fast.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Tom thinking about the weekend and having a plan indicates that he has something in mind for the weekend.

(“He has a plan. The weekend is soon.”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text does not provide any information about Tom playing games with his grandparents.


Multiple Choice Answers

  1. A

Explanation: The text says ‘Tom is tired. School is hard.’ which indicates that school makes Tom feel tired.

(“Tom is tired. School is hard.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text implies that Tom has something fun planned for the upcoming weekend, and later it mentions him playing.

(“He has a plan. The weekend is soon.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text states ‘Outside is best.’ and it’s mentioned that they play ball, which implies that they meet outside.

(“Outside is best.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text specifically says ‘They play ball.’ which tells us what Tom and his friends do together.

(“They play ball.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text mentions ‘Sunday is family. Grandparents are old.’ which suggests Tom is visiting his grandparents.

(“Sunday is family. Grandparents are old.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text indicates ‘Tom is happy. Sundays are warm.’ signifying he feels happy on Sundays.

(“Tom is happy. Sundays are warm.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text indicates they play ball, run fast, and eat lunch on the weekend, but going swimming is not mentioned.

(“They play ball. They run fast. They eat lunch.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text mentions ‘They talk together.’ showing that talking is what they do together.

(“They talk together.”)


  1. D

Explanation: Tom loving weekends suggests that he finds them to be enjoyable, thus ‘They are fun’ is the correct choice.

(“Tom loves weekends.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text ‘Sundays are warm.’ follows the mention of family, suggesting his family makes Sunday warm for him, not the actual temperature.

(“Sundays are warm.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. School.

Explanation: The text states that school is hard, which makes Tom tired.

(“School is hard.”)


  1. The weekend.

Explanation: Tom has a plan because the text mentions that the weekend is soon.

(“The weekend is soon.”)


  1. Friends.

Explanation: The text specifies that Tom calls friends on Saturday.

(“Tom calls friends.”)


  1. Play ball.

Explanation: The text says that Tom and his friends play ball when they’re outside.

(“They play ball.”)


  1. Happy.

Explanation: Laughing loud indicates that Tom and his friends are feeling happy while playing.

(“They laugh loud.”)


  1. Grandparents.

Explanation: The text tells us Tom goes there on Sunday and mentions ‘Grandparents are old’ which implies he visits his grandparents.

(“Sunday is family. Grandparents are old.”)


  1. Eat lunch.

Explanation: Tom eats lunch with his grandparents as stated in the text.

(“They eat lunch.”)


  1. Happy.

Explanation: The text says ‘Tom is happy’ on Sundays, so that is how he feels.

(“Tom is happy.”)


  1. Playing is good.

Explanation: The text says ‘Playing is good’, which is part of why Tom loves weekends.

(“Playing is good.”)


  1. Old.

Explanation: The text uses the word ‘old’ to describe the grandparents.

(“Grandparents are old.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘tiring’ indicates that the week made Tom tired.


  1. C

Explanation: The word ‘feeling’ describes Tom’s emotional state.


  1. C

Explanation: The word ‘play’ fits the context of recreational activity.


  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘fun’ indicates an enjoyable activity.


  1. A

Explanation: The word ‘picnic’ refers to an outdoor meal.


  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘visit’ indicates going to see someone.


  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘favorite’ signifies meals Tom enjoys the most.


  1. A

Explanation: The word ‘proud’ reflects a feeling of satisfaction.


  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘waiting’ fits the activity of anticipating a fish to bite.


  1. C

Explanation: The word ‘talk’ implies a conversation.


  1. A

Explanation: The word ‘yummy’ is a child-friendly term for delicious.


  1. D

Explanation: The word ‘small’ describes the size of the apple pieces.


  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘grateful’ shows that Tom is thankful.

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