Family Gathering A2

This is a free A2 pre-intermediate level English reading lesson about Family Gathering. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on family, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Family Gathering

Free reading lesson on family, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Table of Contents

On Sunday, my mom and dad said, ‘Let’s visit grandpa and grandma.’ I was happy. My sister and brother were too. We all love our grandparents’ house. It is big and has a garden. When we got there, my uncle, aunt, and cousins were there too. There were lots of us!

I played football with my brother and cousins. My sister talked with grandma and learned to knit. Aunt made a big cake for all of us. It was so tasty. We all ate the cake together.

My dad helped grandpa in the garden. Mom talked with my aunt about her daughter. I heard them laugh a lot. The parents sat and talked about work and holidays.

The day ended with a big family photo. Grandfather said, ‘I love seeing my son and daughters with their families.’ We all hugged and said goodbye. I can’t wait for the next family gathering!

CEFR Level Card

General Level: A2.7

Vocabulary: A1.4

Verb Forms: A1.1

Sentences: B1.0


gathering    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a group of persons together in one place

hug    VERB    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a tight or amorous embrace
    v. fit closely or tightly

knit    VERB    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a fabric made by knitting
    n. a basic knitting stitch
    n. needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine
     v. make (textiles) by knitting

tasty    ADJ    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. pleasing to the sense of taste





all of (something)


·        Aunt made a big cake for all of us.

end with (something)


·        The day ended with a big family photo.

get there


·        When we got there, my uncle, aunt, and cousins were there too.

lots of


·        There were lots of us!

talk with (someone or something)


·        My sister talked with grandma and learned to knit.

·        Mom talked with my aunt about her daughter.

wait for (someone or something)


·        I can’t wait for the next family gathering!

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. The family decided to visit the grandparents on a Sunday.
  1. The grandparents’ house is small and does not have a garden.
  1. Only my uncle and aunt were present at the grandparents’ house.
  1. My sister spent time baking with our aunt.
  1. The cake made by my aunt was enjoyed by everyone.
  1. I played a game indoors with my cousins only.
  1. Grandpa enjoys spending time in the garden with family members.
  1. The children and parents discussed their jobs and holiday plans together.
  1. My brother and I played chess with our cousins.
  1. We said goodbye to our grandparents with a hug.

Multiple Choice

1. Why were the children happy to visit their grandparents?
     A) Because it was Sunday
     B) Because they were going to play football
     C) Because they love their grandparents’ house
     D) Because they got cake

2. What activity did my sister do at our grandparents’ house?
     A) She played football
     B) She learned to knit with grandma
     C) She helped in the garden
     D) She made a cake

3. Who made the cake?
     A) Grandma
     B) My sister
     C) My uncle
     D) Aunt

4. What did dad do at the grandparents’ house?
     A) He played football
     B) He helped grandpa in the garden
     C) He learned to knit
     D) He took a family photo

5. How did the family gathering end?
     A) With a football match
     B) With eating cake
     C) With a big family photo
     D) With knitting lessons

6. What were the parents talking about?
     A) About the weather
     B) About work and holidays
     C) About making a cake
     D) About playing football

7. Why can’t the child wait for the next family gathering?
     A) Because they want to play football again
     B) Because they like the garden
     C) Because they want to learn to knit
     D) Because they enjoyed the family time together

Short Answer

  1. What did grandfather enjoy at the end of the day?
  1. What activity did my sister learn from grandma?
  1. Why did everyone eat cake?
  1. Who did my dad help on Sunday?
  1. Where did the family take the photo?
  1. What were my mom and aunt talking about?
  1. How did I feel about going to my grandparents’ house?

Multiple Choice Cloze

On Sunday, my mom and dad said, ‘Let’s visit grandpa and grandma.’ I was ___1___. My sister and brother were too. We all love our grandparents’ house. It is ___2___ and has a garden. When we got there, my uncle, aunt, and cousins were there too. There were lots of ___3___!

I played football with my brother and cousins. My sister talked with grandma and learned to ___4___. Aunt made a big cake for all of us. It was so ___5___. We all ate the cake together.

My dad helped grandpa in the garden. Mom talked with my aunt about her daughter. I heard them ___6___ a lot. The parents sat and talked about work and holidays.

The day ended with a big family photo. Grandfather said, ‘I love seeing my son and daughters with their families.’ We all hugged and said ___7___. I can’t wait for the next family ___8___!


1)  A. sad    B. happy    C. bored    D. tired   

2)  A. small    B. big    C. old    D. new   

3)  A. us    B. people    C. children    D. toys   

4)  A. run    B. sing    C. knit    D. dance   

5)  A. small    B. tasty    C. bitter    D. sour   

6)  A. cry    B. fight    C. work    D. laugh   

7)  A. hello    B. goodbye    C. thank you    D. please   

8)  A. meeting    B. party    C. gathering    D. dinner

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The text states the decision to visit was made on a Sunday.

(“On Sunday, my mom and dad said, ‘Let’s visit grandpa and grandma.'”)

  1. False

Explanation: The text describes the grandparents’ house as big and having a garden, which is the opposite of the statement.

(“It is big and has a garden.”)

  1. False

Explanation: The text mentions that my uncle, aunt, and cousins were all present.

(“When we got there, my uncle, aunt, and cousins were there too.”)

  1. False

Explanation: According to the text, my sister was learning to knit with grandma, not baking with the aunt.

(“My sister talked with grandma and learned to knit. Aunt made a big cake for all of us.”)

  1. True

Explanation: The text confirms that the cake made by my aunt was eaten by everyone.

(“We all ate the cake together.”)

  1. False

Explanation: The text indicates I played football, which is an outdoor game, with my brother and cousins, not indoors or with cousins only.

(“I played football with my brother and cousins.”)

  1. True

Explanation: Grandpa is in the garden with my dad, indicating he enjoys spending time there with family.

(“My dad helped grandpa in the garden.”)

  1. False

Explanation: The text specifies that the parents were the ones talking about work and holidays, not the children.

(“The parents sat and talked about work and holidays.”)

  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text doesn’t mention playing chess; it talks about playing football.


  1. True

Explanation: The family hugged and said goodbye to the grandparents, as stated in the text.

(“We all hugged and said goodbye.”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. C

Explanation: The text says that the children love their grandparents’ house, which is why they were happy.

(“We all love our grandparents’ house.”)

  1. B

Explanation: The text says that the sister talked with grandma and learned to knit.

(“My sister talked with grandma and learned to knit.”)

  1. D

Explanation: Aunt is the one who made the cake, according to the text.

(“Aunt made a big cake for all of us.”)

  1. B

Explanation: The text mentions that dad helped grandpa in the garden.

(“My dad helped grandpa in the garden.”)

  1. C

Explanation: The text says that the day ended with a big family photo.

(“The day ended with a big family photo.”)

  1. B

Explanation: The text indicates that the parents talked about work and holidays.

(“The parents sat and talked about work and holidays.”)

  1. D

Explanation: The child’s enthusiasm for the next family gathering suggests they enjoyed the family time together.

(“I can’t wait for the next family gathering!”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. Seeing his son and daughters with their families.

Explanation: Grandfather expressed his enjoyment and love for seeing his family together.

(“Grandfather said, ‘I love seeing my son and daughters with their families.'”)

  1. Knitting.

Explanation: The text mentions that my sister talked with grandma and during this time, she learned how to knit.

(“My sister talked with grandma and learned to knit.”)

  1. Aunt made a big cake for all of us.

Explanation: The text says that aunt made a big cake and that is the reason everyone ate cake.

(“Aunt made a big cake for all of us.”)

  1. Grandpa.

Explanation: The text indicates that my dad helped grandpa specifically by mentioning that they were together in the garden.

(“My dad helped grandpa in the garden.”)

  1. At grandparents’ house.

Explanation: The family photo was taken at the end of the day, which was spent at the grandparents’ house as indicated in the entire context of the text.

(“The day ended with a big family photo.”)

  1. About her daughter.

Explanation: The text clearly mentions that the topic of the conversation between mom and aunt was about her (the aunt’s) daughter.

(“Mom talked with my aunt about her daughter.”)

  1. Happy.

Explanation: The text explicitly says that the narrator was happy about the visit to the grandparents’ house.

(“I was happy.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. B

Explanation: The correct word is ‘happy’ because the text indicates positive feelings.

  1. B

Explanation: The house is described as ‘big’ in the text.

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Us’ refers to the group of family members present.

  1. C

Explanation: The text states that the sister ‘learned to knit’.

  1. B

Explanation: The cake was described as ‘tasty’.

  1. D

Explanation: The text mentions they ‘laugh a lot’.

  1. B

Explanation: They said ‘goodbye’ at the end of the visit.

  1. C

Explanation: The text refers to a ‘family gathering’.

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